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Past events

  • May 2024

    1 May 2024Cotswold & Malvern Hilary Little, ‘The hunt for the red Nototriche’

    1 May 2024 – Derby Annual Show and Plant Sale.

    2 May 2024Dorset Graham Poynter, ‘Plants and peaks of SE Switzerland’

    2 May 2024South Devon Garden visit & AGM and afternoon tea (Haldon Grange EX6 7YE)

    4 May 2024AGS Garden open for NGS

    4 May 2024 – AGS East Lancashire Show & Plant Fair

    7 May 2024Shropshire Bob Worsley, ‘What’s in a name’

    8 May 2024Nottingham Dr. Mike Davey ‘Plants of the Desert:  An introduction to Cacti and Succulents’

    10 May 2024Chiltern Anthony Goode, ‘Switzerland: Vaud & Valais through the seasons’

    11 May 2024 – AGS East Anglia Show & Plant Fair

    11 May 2024West Yorkshire AGM, spring show and mini talk

    12 May 2024Wirral & West Cheshire Local Show

    15 May 2024AGS Garden open for NGS

    17 May 2024Bristol TBA

    20 May 2024East Cheshire Julian Sutton, ‘The Botanical Gardener’

    23 May 2024Hampshire Jon Evans, ‘Plant photography at AGS Shows’

  • April 2024

    2 April 2024Shropshire Nigel Hopes, ‘Ashwood specialities’

    3 April 2024Cotswold & Malvern David Charlton, ‘Mats, Carpets and Cushions in New Zealand and Svalbard’

    3 April 2024 – Derby Andrew Ward ‘Success with Sand – How to grow tricky plants easily’

    4 April 2024Dorset John Mitchell, ‘New Zealand’s South Island’

    4 April 2024South Devon Members show and plant display

    6 April 2024Dorset Local Group Show, St. Nicholas Church , Corfe Mullen BH21 3LE

    6-7 April 2024Lancashire South Mini Show- Marble Place Southport

    7 April 2024Mid Anglia Garden visit

    9 April 2024Cleveland AGM

    10 April 2024Oxford & District Julian Sutton, ‘Oregon matters’

    10 April 2024Nottingham Members’ plants and short talks, followed by a buffet

    12 April 2024Chiltern Gareth Manning, ‘A tour of West Green House gardens’

    12 April 2024Wirral & West Cheshire AGM & garden visit

    13 April 2024West Yorkshire John Dower, ‘Troughs and mini-gardens’

    15 April 2024Warwickshire Mini Show and AGM

    18 April 2024North Lancashire Alan Oatway, ‘Exploring in Oregon’

    19 April 2024Bristol Alan Goldsmith, ‘Alpines in Tropical Mountains’

    22 April 2024East Cheshire Neil Huntley, ‘Alpines for troughs and raised beds’

    22 April 2024East Lancashire Local Members Show and other attractions.

    25 April 2024Hampshire AGM & Martin Sheader, ‘With the AGS in Patagonia, 2022’

    27 April 2024Bedfordshire Julia Corden, ‘Wengen’

  • March 2024

    5 March 2024Shropshire David Charlton, ‘Flowers of the Dolomites’

    6 March 2024Cotswold & Malvern TBA

    6 March 2024 – Derby Jon Evans ‘Plants from AGS Shows’

    7 March 2024South Devon Saul Walker, ‘My life in horticulture (Kew, Chelsea, Stonelands)’

    8 March 2024Chiltern Diane Clement, ‘The Narrow Road to the Deep North – Travels in Japan’

    8 March 2024Wirral & West Cheshire Michael Myers, ‘Favourite plant associations and hardy orchids in the garden and the wild’

    9 March 2024Dorset AGM

    9 March 2024Lancashire South Nick Hobbs, ‘Water efficient gardening’

    9 March 2024West Yorkshire Tim Ingram, ‘Gardening on the rocks’ (Zoom in hall)

    12 March 2024Cleveland Neil Huntley, ‘Containers and raised beds’

    13 March 2024East Kent Edward Flint, ‘Meadows’

    13 March 2024Oxford & District David Charlton, ‘Two days in southern Patagonia’

    13 March 2024 Nottingham Tracey Akehurst, ‘The Plant Hunter’

    14 March 2024 North Lancashire Richard Green, ‘Travelling in the Sikkim mountains’

    15 March 2024Bristol Peter Hilton, ‘The Engadine’

    16 March 2024Mid Anglia Tony Goode, ‘Postcard from Pont de Nant’ (at 2.15pm)

    17 March 2024AGS Hepatica Day at Silverdale, North Lancashire

    17 March 2024South Wales Eddie Roberts, ‘Winter wonderland: snowdrops and full supporting cast’

    18 March 2024East Cheshire AGM and Group Show

    18 March 2024Warwickshire Vic Aspland TBA

    19 March 2024AGS Zoom lecture Jenny Wainwright-Klein, ‘Growing Alpines in the Schachen Alpine Garden: a satellite garden of the Munich Botanic Garden in the Bavarian Alps

    23 March 2024Bedfordshire Alpine Show and Plant Sale

    23 March 2024Cleveland Show

    25 March 2024East Lancashire Razvan Chisu, TBA

    28 March 2024Hampshire Christopher Bailes, ‘Growing hardy orchids in the garden – from obscurity to ubiquity…?’

  • February 2024

    3 February 2024AGS Snowdrop Day

    3 February 2024Dorset Christine Skelmersdale, ‘Winter is not just Snowdrops’

    6 February 2024AGS Free Zoom Lecture John Mitchell, ‘Two seasons in Tibet’

    6 February 2024Shropshire AGM & Iain Wright, ‘A trip to the Western Cape of South Africa’

    7 February 2024Cotswold & Malvern Duncan Coombs ‘The Flowering of the desert” Attacama – Part 1’

    7 February 2024 – Derby James Miller ‘Creating a new National Collection – Astilbes and Bog Plants’

    8 February 2024North Wales David Charlton, ‘Flowers of the Pyrenees’

    9 February 2024Chiltern Connor Smith (via Zoom), ‘Utrecht Botanic Garden’

    9 February 2024Wirral & West Cheshire David Charlton, ‘Flowers of the Dolomites’

    10 February 2024Lancashire South David Rankin, ‘Kevock Garden Nursery’

    10 February 2024West Yorkshire Tony Goode, ‘Bulbs for all seasons’ (Zoom in hall)

    13 February 2024Cleveland Dianne Nicol-Brown, ‘Plant hunting in Colorado’

    13 February 2024AGS Zoom lecture Laura Caddy, ‘Rock gardening in Vancouver’

    14 February 2024Oxford & District Christopher Snelson, ‘Western Crete in spring: alpines, orchids, parasites and annual ferns’

    14 February 2024Norfolk Richard Horswood, ‘Alpines in troughs’ (Zoom meeting)

    14 February 2024Nottingham David Charlton, ‘Wild Mountain Flowers from Alaska to Oregon’

    15 February 2024Mid Anglia Snowdrop garden visit

    15 February 2024North Lancashire Rosie Turner, ‘Orchids and other plants in the Vercors Massif, France’

    19 February 2024Warwickshire Diane Clement, ‘The dark months’

    20 February 2024South Wales Bob & Rannveig Wallis, ‘Fifty shades of gray’

    22 February 2024Hampshire Ian Young (Zoom lecture), ‘Nature Gardeners Tutor’

    22 February 2024Bedfordshire & Mid Anglia Chris Gardner (Zoom lecture), ‘Flora of South Africa’

    26 February 2024East Cheshire David Morris, ‘The Swiss Valais’

    26 February 2024East Lancashire Diane Clement ‘The narrow road to the deep north – travels in Japan’


  • January 2024

    3 January 2024Cotswold & Malvern TBA

    3 January 2024 – Derby AGM. Short talk – One day in the Cascade Mountains. Bring and Share supper.

    6 January 2024Dorset Bob Gibbons, ‘Flowers of the high Pyrenees’

    9 January 2024Cleveland Keith Bankier, ‘Flora of Turkey’

    10 January 2024Oxford & District Members evening

    10 January 2024Norfolk Jim Almond, ‘Sowing Growing & Showing’ (Zoom meeting)

    10 January 2024 – Nottingham Chairman’s Evening – a talk arranged by the Chairman

    11 January 2024South Devon Micky Little, ‘Snowdrops – fair maids of February’

    12 January 2024Chiltern Razvan Chisu (via Zoom), ‘Wild daffodils and other Spanish gems’

    12 January 2024Wirral & West Cheshire Adrian Cooper (Zoom), ‘Climate change and alpines’

    13 January 2024Lancashire South Bob Worsley, ‘What’s in a name?’

    13 January 2024West Yorkshire Paul Cumbleton, ‘Potting composts and other conundrums’ (Zoom in hall)

    14 January 2024South Wales Julia Corden, ‘Following in the footsteps of George Sherriff’

    15 January 2024East Cheshire Tom Freeth, ‘Mountain Flora & Gardens of Colorado’

    15 January 2024Warwickshire Zoom lecture TBA

    16 January 2024AGS Zoom lecture, Jiří Papousek, ‘Tufa walls’

    18 January 2024North Lancashire Tom Attwood, ‘Alpines in the garden’

    21 January 2024Mid Anglia Ray Drew, ‘Crocus up close and personal’ (at 11.00am)

    22 January 2024East Lancashire Cliff Booker ‘Probably the finest rock gardeners in the world  – The Prague International Conference and Garden Tour May 2023’ FREE ENTRY TO ALL

    23 January 2024Bedfordshire & Mid Anglia Ian Young (Zoom Lecture), ‘The Bulb Log’

    25 January 2024AGS Free Zoom Lecture Harry Jans, ‘Spring flowers in the Tien Shan’

    25 January 2024Hampshire Michael Myers (Zoom), ‘Dwarf bulbs throughout the year’

    27 January 2024Plant Exploration Zoom Conference 3.00 – 6.00 pm GMT

  • December 2023

    4 December 2023Kent – Tunbridge Wells TBA

    4 December 2023Shropshire Ian Young, ‘Waves of colour’

    6 December 2023Cotswold & Malvern Bob and Rannveig Wallis ‘Maintenance of a Bulb Collection’

    6 December 2023Derby Razvan Chisu, ‘Spanish daffodils and many other gems’

    7 December 2023Dorset Christmas party and members evening

    7 December 2023South Devon Graham Salmon, ‘Greece – North and South’

    7 December 2023South Wales AGM & Short talks

    8 December 2023Chiltern Members talk and Christmas social

    8 December 2023Wirral & West Cheshire Christmas Members’ Evening

    9 December 2023Lancashire South Kevin Pratt, ‘Unusual hardy plants’

    10 December 2023 – Chesterfield & District Group AGM (2.30pm Start)

    11 December 2023East Cheshire Anthony Goode, ‘Alpines for the time-challenged’

    12 December 2023Cleveland Members evening

    12 December 2023Somerset Christmas social

    12 December 2023AGS Zoom lecture Michael Mauser, ‘Working with alpines in the botanical garden of Tübingen – more than cultivation

    13 December 2023East Lancashire Quiz night, (AGM), Social event and ‘Jacob’s-join’ refreshments

    13 December 2023Kent – Mid AGM

    13 December 2023Oxford & District AGM & Walter Sawyer, ‘Bulbs, corms and tubers’

    13 December 2024Nottingham AGM followed by members’ photographs

    14 December 2023Devon – Exeter Seed Exchange, Grand Raffle & Christmas party

    14 December 2023Hampshire Quiz and short presentations over Zoom

    15 December 2023Bristol Christmas social

    18 December 2023East Lancashire (Zoom lecture) David Charlton, The United States and Canada, from Alaska to Oregon

    18 December 2023Warwickshire Members’ talk with punch and mince pies

    19 December 2023AGS FREE Zoom Lecture Dino Zelenika, ‘Wild orchids of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina’

    19 December 2023Bedfordshire and Mid-Anglia Zoom: Wim Boens, ‘Epimediums – the small and the beautiful’

    21 December 2023North Lancashire AGM & Bob Wallis, ‘Mountain Fritillaria’ (Zoom)

  • November 2023

    1 November 2023Cotswold & Malvern AGM

    2 November 2023Dorset David Carver, ‘Daphnes in the wild and in cultivation’

    2 November 2023South Devon Bob Wallis, ‘Turkish Delights’

    4 November 2023Norfolk AGM & Zoom presentation by Christopher Gardener, ‘Flora of the Silk Road’ followed by Christmas Social Bring and Share

    5 November 2023Chesterfield & District Keith Bankier, ‘Lake Van, Turkey’

    6 November 2023Kent – Tunbridge Wells David Livermore, ‘Flowers of the Russian Caucasus’

    7 November 2023Shropshire Tony Goode, ‘A postcard from Pont de Nant’

    8 November 2023East Lancashire Local Club speakers with an array of subjects

    8 November 2023Oxford & District Richard Lambert, ‘Czech Rock Gardens’

    8 November 2024Nottingham Henry Fletcher, ‘The genus Daphne’

    9 November 2023North Wales Tony Goode, ‘Small is beautiful. Alpines for the time challenged’

    9 November 2023South Wales John Shipton, ‘Flora of Hokkaido’

    10 November 2023Chiltern Alan Mason, ‘Gardens of the Italian Lakes’

    10 November 2023Wirral & West Cheshire Cliff Booker (Zoom), ‘Patagonia Tour – Part Two’

    11 November 2023Lancashire – South Paul Cooke, ‘RHS Harlow Carr’

    11 November 2023Mid Anglia AGM

    11 November 2023 – AGS Annual General Meeting

    11 November 2023West Yorkshire Cliff Booker ‘Patagonia – Part Two’

    13 November 2023East Cheshire Bob & Rannveig Wallis, ‘Bulbous Habitats’

    14 November 2023Cleveland Barrie Roberts, ‘On a golden journey – Tajikistan and Uzbekistan’

    16 November 2023Kent – Mid Mark Denney, ‘Dqing, China – part 2 of the March lecture’

    16 November 2023Devon – Exeter Jonny Hartnell, ‘Hardy orchids’

    16 November 2023North Lancashire Frazer Henderson, ‘Mountain Flora of Yemen’

    17 November 2023Bristol Learning Nature’s Way (Changing our thinking about insects)’

    18 November 2023Bedfordshire Kit Strange, ‘Alpines of the Pacific North West’

    20 November 2023Warwickshire Selwyn Lane, ‘The Greater Caucasus – Spring in Georgia’

    21 November 2023AGS Zoom lecture Paul Spriggs, ‘How to build a crevice garden’

    21 November 2023Surrey – East AGM

    22 November 2023Somerset Members’ evening

    23 November 2023Hampshire David Haselgrove, ‘The west coast of South Africa in September’

    25 November 2023Norfolk Martyn Denney, ‘A Botanical tour of Japan’

    27 November 2023 East Lancashire (Zoom lecture) Kris de Raeymaeker, Tufa and peat bed gardening

    30 November 2023Essex Richard Rolfe, ‘Argentina – Part 2’

  • October 2023

    1 October 2023AGS Bulb Day

    2 October 2023Kent – Tunbridge Wells Andrew Ward, ‘Sandbeds – How to grow tricky Alpines’

    3 October 2023Shropshire Kevin Pratt, ‘Bulbs are not just for spring’

    4 October 2023Cotswold & Malvern Martyn Denney, ‘Cyclamen in the wild and in cultivation’

    5 October 2023South Devon Hillary Little, ‘Australia – wild flowers and wallabies’

    5 October 2023Dorset Gwyn Davies, ‘The history and development of the daffodil’

    7 October 2023AGS Hexham Show & Plant Fair

    8 October 2023Chesterfield & District Gill Fearn, Abbey Brook Nursery, ‘Plant Hunting in South Africa/Namibia’

    10 October 2023Cleveland Helen Jones, ‘Plant Hunting in the Sangla Valley’

    11 October 2023East Kent Tom Freeth, ‘Mountain Flora and Gardens of Colorado’

    11 October 2023East Lancashire Keith Bankier,‘The Pontic Alps of North-East Turkey’

    11 October 2023Oxford & District Samantha Hopes, ‘The French Alps’

    11 October 2024Nottingham Diane Clement, ‘Alpines in the Wild and in Cultivation’

    12 October 2023North Wales Jon Evans, ‘Wildside garden’

    13 October 2023Chiltern Bob Gibbons, ‘The floweriest places in the world’

    13 October 2023Wirral & West Cheshire Anthony Goode, ‘Over the Bernina Pass’

    14 October 2023AGS Harlow Carr Show & Plant Fair

    14 October 2023Lancashire – South Louise Hunter, ‘Alpines of Switzerland’

    14 October 2023Mid Anglia Bob Gibbons, ‘In search of European alpines’

    16 October 2023East Cheshire Jon Evans, ‘Wildside Garden’

    16 October 2023Warwickshire Razvan Chisu, ‘Autumn in the Peloponnese’

    17 October 2023AGS Zoom lecture Connor Smith, ‘Alpines at Utrecht Botanical Garden’

    17 October 2023Surrey – East Lyn Miles, ‘For the love of snowdrops’

    18 October 2023Kent – Mid J. Hughes, ‘Santiago – Chile’

    18 October 2023South Wales Chris Lovell, ‘Morocco through bulbous eyes’

    19 October 2023Devon – Exeter Micky Little, ‘Some Alpine bulbs and my time as a head gardener’

    19 October 2023North Lancashire Michael Myers, ‘Choice woodland plants’

    20 October 2023Bristol Richard Horswood, ‘Alpines in containers’

    21 October 2023West Yorkshire David Charlton‘Flowers of the Picos de Europa’

    23 October 2023East Lancashire (Zoom lecture) Hazel Taylor, Plants and animals of Western Cape – Part one

    25 October 2023Somerset Jim Loring, ‘Chile’

    26 October 2023Essex Julian Sutton, ‘Making sense of the Iridaceae’

    26 October 2023Hampshire Bob & Rannveig Wallis, ‘Moorish Bulbs’ (covering trips to Andalucia and Morocco)

    28 October 2023Bedfordshire David Livermore, ‘Russian Caucasus’

  • September 2023

    4 September 2023Bedfordshire Keith Bankier, ‘Cappadocia and inner Anatolia’

    4 September 2023Kent – Tunbridge Wells Tim Ingram, ‘Alsace’

    6 September 2023Cotswold & Malvern Vic Aspland, ‘A walk in a glacier valley’

    5 September 2023Shropshire Jim Almond, ‘Propagation – a matter of life and death’

    7 September 2023Mid Anglia Garden visit to Ulting Wick

    7 September 2023Dorset David Haselgrove, ‘Flower hunting in Peru’

    8 September 2023Chiltern Ray Broughton, ‘Alpine gardening and the cold greenhouse’

    8 September 2023Wirral & West Cheshire David Morris, ‘Swindale (Haweswater) Restoration Project’

    9 September 2023Lancashire – South David Charlton, ‘African extremities’

    9 September 2023West Yorkshire Diane Clement,‘Cyclamen and Hepaticas’

    10 September 2023Chesterfield & District Diane Clement, ‘Japan, the Narrow Road to the Distant North’

    12 September 2023Cleveland Michael Myers, ‘Primulas and Hepaticas’

    13 September 2023East Kent AGM & Tim Ingram, ‘Of Gardens; from Logan to Abbotsbury’

    13 September 2023East Lancashire John Dower, ‘Off-road in the Picos’

    13 September 2023Oxford & District Paul Cumbleton, ‘Alluring alpines’

    13 September 2023Norfolk Alice Hunter, TBA

    13 September 2024Nottingham Brian Hammond, ‘A Walk on the Wild Side’

    13 September 2023South Wales Tony Goode, ‘Hilary’s view’

    14 September 2023North Wales Celia Wright, ‘From high mountain to Long Mountain’

    15 September 2023Bristol Richard Lambert, ‘Flowers of the Picos’

    18 September 2023East Cheshire Diane Clement, ‘The narrow road to the deep north – Travels in Japan’

    19 September 2023AGS Zoom lecture Anne Wright, ‘Miniature daffodils’

    19 September 2023Surrey – East Bob & Rannveig Wallis, ‘Bulbous habitats’

    20 September 2023Kent – Mid TBA

    21 September 2023Devon – Exeter Christine Skelmersdale, ‘From Santiago to the Bolivian border. Plants, scenery and wildlife’ (The Roger Stuckey Memorial Lecture)

    24 September 2023East Lancashire (Zoom lecture) Geir Moen, Cultivating rare and endangered alpines – a new and developing climate refuge project

    27 September 2023Somerset Martyn Denney, ‘Japan’

    28 September 2023Essex Julian Reed, ‘Pteridology – National collection of Polystichum and Polypodium –  revisited.

    28 September 2023Hampshire Joe Sharman, ‘Cyclamen’

    28 September 2023North Lancashire John Birks, ‘The History, Status and Future of British Mountain plants’

    30 September 2023AGS Loughborough Show & Plant Fair

  • August 2023

    7 August 2023Bedfordshire David Haselgrove, ‘Spring and summer in South Africa’

    20 August 2023Mid Anglia Plant and Bulb Sale at Pentlow Mill, Pentlow Lane,Cavendish, Sudbury,  Suffolk, CO10 7SP from 2:00pm, Guest Nurseries: Monksilver, Pottertons and Desirable plants.

    31 August 2023Essex Diane Clement, ‘The Narrow Road to the Deep North – Travels in Japan’

  • July 2023

    3 July 2023Bedfordshire Liz Livermore, ‘Alpine flowers of the Upper Engadine’

    5 July 2023 Cotswold & Malvern Members Cheese and Wine – Venue TBA

    27 July 2023Essex Liz Livermore, ‘The alpine flora of the Upper Engadine’

  • June 2023

    June 2023 Kent – Tunbridge Wells BBQ venue to be announced

    5 June 2023Bedfordshire Ian Woolnough, ‘Cacti and other high altitude plants from South America’

    7 June 2023 Cotswold & Malvern Members Mini Show

    15-18 June 2023 – AGS Young Person’s Weekend

    24 June 2023Norfolk David Livermore, ‘Russian Caucasus’

    29 June 2023Essex Tim Ingram, ‘Gardening on the rocks’

  • May 2023

    1 May 2023Kent – Tunbridge Wells Paul Spraklin ‘The Great Outdoors’

    2 May 2023Shropshire Jim Almond, ‘Primulaceae in the Garden’

    3 May 2023 Cotswold & Malvern Dr. Wilson Wall, ‘Hardy Orchids’

    4 May 2023Dorset Hilary and Austin Little, ‘Wildflowers and Wallabies of Western Australia’

    8 May 2023Bedfordshire Meeting cancelled – due to Coronation

    10 May 2023East Kent, Philip Oostenbrink, ‘Plant Collections’

    12 May 2023Chiltern David Jewel, ‘Sir Harold Hillier Gardens’

    12 May 2023Wirral & West Cheshire AGM & garden visit

    13 May 2023 West Yorkshire AGM, Group Spring Show and short talk

    14 May 2023Chesterfield & District Visit to Lea Gardens, near Matlock

    15 May 2023East Cheshire Ray Drew, ‘Cypripediums’

    25 May 2023Essex Barry Hennessy, ‘The Patagonian Lake District’

    25 May 2023 – Hampshire Diane Clement, ‘Chinese Lanterns & Tibetan Prayer Flags

    27 May 2023Norfolk Paul Cumbelton & Colin Everett (Zoom into our Hall at Hethersett), ‘Our Odyssey with bulbs’

    28 May 2023 –  Chesterfield & District Visit to the Alpine Plant Centre, Calver, for Guided Tour and Talk on the Garden

    29 May 2023South Devon AGM and garden tour- Saul Walker at Stonelands House Dawlish – (2.00 p.m.)

    31 May 2023AGS Garden opens for National Garden Scheme, 2pm-6pm.

  • April 2023

    1 April – 8 April 2023 – AGS Crete Tour

    1 April 2023AGS Garden opens for National Garden Scheme, 11am-4pm.

    3 April 2023Bedfordshire John Amand, ‘Unusual bulbs and how they get to your garden’

    3 April 2023Kent – Tunbridge Wells Tom Freeth Flora and Gardens of Colorado

    4 April 2023Shropshire Diane Clement, ‘The Narrow Road to the Deep North- Travels in Japan’

    5 April 2023 Cotswold & Malvern Samantha Hope,‘The Genus Roscoea’

    6 April 2023Dorset David Dickenson, ‘How the Cevennes uniquely survived the Ice Age’

    6 April 2023South Devon Members Show. Display of any plants or cur flowers of interest

    9 April 2023Chesterfield & District David Charlton, ‘African Extremities’

    10 April 2023Cotswold & Malvern Spring Show & Plant Sale, Hartpury Village Hall, Over Old Road, Hartpury, GL19 3FD

    11 April 2023Cleveland AGM

    12 April 2023East Kent, Afternoon garden visit – joint with Mid Kent

    12 April 2023East Kent, Charlie Bancroft, ‘Restoring the Rock Garden at Nymans’

    12 April 2023Oxford & District Jim Jermyn, ‘Inshriach – home to Jack Drake’s Nursery and many famous plants’

    14 April 2023Chiltern Julian Sutton, ‘Beneath the Trees’

    14 April 2023Wirral & West Cheshire Local Show

    15 April 2023 West Yorkshire (Note: not 2nd Sat) Jack Ogg ‘York Gate Garden’

    17 April 2023Warwickshire Mini Show and AGM

    19 April 2023AGS Zoom Lecture Harry Jans,Botanical tour through the South Island of New Zealand’

    20 April 2023North Lancashire Ian Woosnough, ‘High Andean Cacti’

    22 April 2023Norfolk Kit Strange, ‘Alpines of the Western Pacific Coast of the USA’

    24 April 2023East Lancashire ZOOM Lecture Ger van den Beuken, ‘Cultivation & propagation of exquisite alpines’

    24 April 2023Leicestershire  Diane Clement, ‘A Seedy Business’

    24 April 2023East Cheshire AGM and Group Show

    27 April 2023Essex Julian Reed, ‘Pteridology – National collection of Polystichum and Polypodium’

    27 April 2023 – Hampshire AGM & Jon Evans ‘Wildside Nursery

    29 April 2023AGS Garden opens for National Garden Scheme, 11am-4pm.

    30 April 2023Mid Anglia  Start at 11:00am – A guided walk around Arger Fen and Spouse’s Vale
    near Assington, Sudbury Suffolk CO8 5 BN with Richard Hobbs.

  • March 2023

    1 March 2023 Cotswold & Malvern Hillary Little, ‘In pursuit of the plants of Peru’

    2 March 2023South Devon Paul Cumbleton, ‘Plants of the Meadows, Woodlands and High peaks of the Dolomites’

    5 March 2023Shropshire Celia Wright, ‘My favourite moments in the Mountains and elsewhere’ (preceeded by AGM)

    6 March 2023Bedfordshire Bruce Bennett, ‘Scottish wildflowers and gardens’

    6 March 2023Kent – Tunbridge Wells Martyn Denney ‘Early Spring and Late Summer in Georgia’

    8 March 2023East Kent, Martyn Denney, ‘The Pre-Monsoon Flora of the Sikkim Himalaya’

    8 March 2023Oxford & District Diane Clement, ‘The Narrow Road to the Deep North – Travels in Japan’

    10 March 2023Chiltern John Tyler, ‘The Ridgeway / World of Fungi & flower show’

    10 March 2023Wirral & West Cheshire Neil Huntley, ‘My favourite alpines’

    11 March 2023 West Yorkshire Eric Rainford, ‘Greencombe Gardens’

    12 March 2023Chesterfield & District Sue Miles and Ian Sutton ‘Yellowstone National Park, Geology and Flora’

    13 March 2023North East England Diane Clement, ‘A Year in the Life of an Alpine Gardener’

    14 March 2023Cleveland Diane Clement, ‘The Narrow Road to the Deep North – Travels in Japan’

    16 March 2023North Lancashire Colin Crosbie, TBA

    18 March 2023 Mid Anglia 2:30pm Jamie Blake from Bressingham Gardens ‘Around the World in 80 plants’

    20 March 2023East Cheshire Kevin Pratt, ‘Rare, Unusual and Pictorial Plants’

    20 March 2023Warwickshire Hilary Little, ‘Newfoundland’

    21 March 2023AGS Zoom Lecture Jiří Papoušek, Dionysias in Iran – travelling with the CIA

    23 March 2023 – Hampshire Julia Corden, ‘Meconopsis ‘Bhutan in the Footsteps of George Sherriff’

    23 March – 11 April 2022 – AGS Bolivia Tour

    25 March 2023Norfolk Group Show, Michael Sullivan, ‘Hybridisation, Saxifrages, Lewisia, Correas’

    26 March 2023East Lancashire ZOOM Lecture John Lonsdale, ‘Woodland Treasures’

    30 March 2023Essex Mike Lavelle, ‘Climate change and plants in the garden’

  • February 2023

    1 February 2023 Cotswold & Malvern Jon Evans, ‘The Wildside Garden’

    1 February 2023East Kent Members talk, Tim Ingram & Jeremy Spon

    1 February 2023 Derby  Diane Clement, ‘Woodland Plants in the Wild and in Cultivation’

    4 February 2023AGS Snowdrop Day at Lilleshall National Conferencing Centre, Shropshire TF10 9AT

    4 February 2023 West Yorkshire Paul Cumbleton & Colin Everett – ZOOM TALK IN HALL ‘Our Odyssey With Bulbs’

    7 February 2023 – Shropshire Tim Ingram, ‘Alpines and Perennials for Dry Gardens’ (Speaker zoomed into the Hall)

    8 February 2023Oxford & District John Grimshaw, ‘The Treasure Chest: Gems from a Plantsman’s Garden’

    10 February 2023Chiltern TBC (via Zoom)

    10 February 2023Wirral & West Cheshire Zoom meeting: Paul Cumbleton, ‘Crevice gardening’

    14 February 2023Cleveland David Charlton, ‘African Extremities’

    15 February 2023Norfolk Richard Green, ‘Northern India’ (via Zoom)

    16 February 2023North Lancashire TBA

    20 February 2023Warwickshire Ian Smith, ‘Flowers of the World’

    22 February 2023AGS Zoom Lecture Alan Ayton, ‘Alpine Flora of Australia’

    23 February 2023Essex David Haselgrove, ‘The South African West coast – an AGS Trip’

    23 February 2023Hampshire via Zoom, TBC

    25/26 February 2023East Kent, Garden visit (weather dependent)

    27 February 2023East Cheshire Razvan Chisu, ‘Early summer in the Western Alps’

    27 February 2023East Lancashire ZOOM Lecture T.J.Maher, ‘Taking a field & making a garden’

  • January 2023

    4 January 2023 Cotswold & Malvern No Meeting

    7 January 2023Dorset Mike Read, ‘Travels through the Rocky Mountains’

    10 January 2023Cleveland Members Night

    11 January 2023Oxford & District Member’s meeting

    12 January 2023South Devon Kurt Vickery, ‘Botanising in the year of lockdown- Treasures under our noses’

    13 January 2023Chiltern Harry Jans (via Zoom), ‘Armenian alpines’ TBC

    13 January 2023Wirral & West Cheshire Zoom meeting: George & Liz Knowles (from Toronto), ‘Echoes of Wild Places’

    14 January 2023 West Yorkshire Jim Almond – ZOOM TALK IN HALL. Primulaceae in pots

    16 January 2022 – East Cheshire Michael Myers, ‘Winter interest: Flowers, Foliage and Bark’

    16 January 2023Warwickshire Razvan Chisu, ‘Spanish Daffodils and other Gems’

    17 January 2023AGS Zoom Lecture Razvan Chisu, ‘Early Summer in the Western Alps’

    18 January 2023Norfolk Bob Wallis, ‘Fritillaries on Four Continents’ (via Zoom)

    19 January 2023North Lancashire David Charlton, ‘Mats, carpets and cushions in New Zealand and Svalbard’

    23 January 2023East Lancashire ZOOM lecture Connor Smith, ‘Utrecht Botanic Garden’

    26 January 2023Essex Rod Willett, ‘The elusive orchid’ & AGM

    26 January 2023 – Hampshire Via Zoom – Adrian Cooper, TBC

  • December 2022

    28 November – 18 December 2022 – AGS Patagonia Tour

    1 December 2022Dorset Members’ question time

    1 December 2022South Devon Richard Horswood, ‘Northern Patagonia with the A.G.S.’

    5 December 2022Bedfordshire Martyn Denney, ‘Cyclamen in the wild and in cultivation’

    5 December 2022Kent – Tunbridge Wells Social event with a Quiz Night

    6 December 2022Shropshire Eddie Roberts, ‘A Winter Wonderland’

    7 December 2022 Cotswold & Malvern Chris Lilley, ‘A visit to Scotland during lockdown’

    7 December 2022Derby Keith Bankier, ‘Flowers of Van and Eastern Turkey’

    8 December 2022Devon Exeter Seed Exchange, Grand Raffle & Christmas Party

    8 December 2022 – Hampshire Via Zoom – Seasonal meeting including quiz and short presentations by members.

    9 December 2022Chiltern Kaye Lillycrop, ‘Australian gardens & Christmas social’

    9 December 2022East-Cheshire Keith Bankier, ‘Exploring Azerbaijan in search of the flowers of the Talysh and Lower Caucasus’

    9 December 2022Wirral & West Cheshire Christmas Members’ Evening

    10 December 2022South Lancashire Cliff Booker, ‘From Zion to Neon: An American road trip’

    10 December 2022 West Yorkshire Group members Members’ photographs

    11 December 2022Chesterfield & District AGM and Christmas get-together

    13 December 2022Cleveland Peter Maguire ‘Photography’

    14 December 2022Mid-Kent AGM

    14 December 2022 –  Oxford & District AGM, followed by Walter Sawyer, ‘Bulbs, Corms and Tubers’

    14 December 2022Somerset Christmas Social (provisional date)

    15 December 2022North Lancashire David Morris, ‘The Mardale project, 5 years on’

    19 December 2022East Lancashire Via Zoom: David Rankin, ‘Meconopsis in the wild and the garden’

    19 December 2022Warwickshire Members Talk with Punch and Mince Pies

    21 December 2022Norfolk AGM & Christmas Social (1pm – 4pm)

  • November 2022

    29 October – 7 November 2022 – AGS Peloponnese Tour

    1 November 2022Shropshire Jon Evans, ‘Keith Wiley and Wildside Nursery’

    2 November 2022 – Derby Members’ evening and Auction

    3 November 2022 Cotswold & Malvern AGM

    3 November 2022Dorset Bob & Rannveig Wallis, ‘Maintenance of a bulb collection’

    3 November 2022South Devon Julian Sutton, ‘Oregon matters a plantsman’s virtual tour’

    6 November 2022Chesterfield & District Andrew Norwell, ‘Growing Plants in Sand Beds’

    7 November 2022Bedfordshire Tim Lever, ‘The Kingdom of Bhutan, in search of the pink poppy-wort’

    7 November 2022Kent – Tunbridge Wells Alex O’Sullivan Subject to be announced

    8 November 2022Cleveland Alan Oatway ‘Washington Wildflowers’

    9 November 2022Oxford & District David Haselgrove, ‘Making the Gardens at Pelham House and Foxhill’

    11 November 2022Chiltern David Dickenson, ‘An Englishman in the Cevennes’

    11 November 2022Wirral & West Cheshire Peter Gateley, ‘Native Montane Flora’

    12 – 13 November 2022AGS Annual General Meeting & Weekend Conference

    12 November 2022South Lancashire Neil Huntley, ‘Alpines for troughs and raised beds’

    12 November 2022 – West Yorkshire Cliff Booker ‘Patagonia – Part One’

    15 November 2022AGS Zoom Lecture Paul Spriggs, ‘Vancouver Island Alpines: Plant hunting in North America’s westernmost mountain ranges

    15 November 2022East Surrey AGM & Members talk

    16 November 2022Mid-Kent Mark Oddy, ‘Chilean alpines’

    17 November 2022Devon Exeter Tom Freeth, ‘The Rock Garden at RGB Kew’

    17 November 2022North Lancashire David Mountfort, ‘Plants and places in the Austrian Tirol’

    21 November 2022East-Cheshire Samantha Hopes, ‘Top 100 plants’

    21 November 2022Warwickshire Selwyn Lane, ‘The Spring Flowers of Eastern Turkey and Nakhchivan’

    23 November 2022Somerset Members Evening

    24 November 2022Essex Jon Evans, ‘Wildflowers moving off the chalk’

    24 November 2022 – Hampshire Dr Timothy Walker, ‘A Rockery in the Garden’

    26 November 2022Norfolk Tim Lever, ‘Jewels in the rain’

    27 November 2022Mid Anglia Tim Lever, ‘Snowdonia,Echoes of Home’

    28 November 2022East Lancashire Via Zoom: Harry Jans, ‘Botanical and cultural treasures from Armenia’

    28 November 2022Leicestershire David Charlton, ‘African extremities’

    28 November – 18 December 2022 – AGS Patagonia Tour

  • October 2022

    3 October 2022Kent – Tunbridge Wells Mark Oddy Harlow Car

    4 October 2022Shropshire Julian Sutton, ‘The Secret Life of Bulbs and Corms’

    5 October 2022 – Cotswold & Malvern Mr. Julian Sutton, ‘A Plantsman’s guide to the American West’

    5 October 2022Derby Cliff Booker, ‘Zion to Neon – flowers and wildlife from Utah to Nevada’

    6 October 2022Dorset Julian Sutton, ‘Making sense of the Iridaceae’

    6 October 2022South Devon Caroline Seymour, ‘Flowers from the Avenue of Volcanoes (Peru and Ecuador)’

    8 October 2022Bedfordshire Annual Show

    8 October 2022South Lancashire Celia Wright, ‘Orchids of the Mediterranean’

    8 October 2022West Yorkshire Michael Myers, ‘Primula marginata – From the Maritime Alps to Yorkshire’

    9 October 2022Chesterfield & District Dave Mountford, ‘AGS Tour of Chile’

    11 October 2022Cleveland Jo Scott ‘A Nature Miscellany’

    12 October 2022Oxford & District Richard Horswood, ‘Limestone Mountains of Italy – Northern Lakes and the Apennines’

    13 October 2022North Lancashire Tony Willis, ‘Flowers of Macedonia’

    14 October 2022Chiltern Paul Spracklin, ‘The Great Outdoors – Gardening with Succulents’

    14 October 2022Wirral & West Cheshire Samantha Hopes, ‘Plants with a story, a year in John Massey’s Garden’

    15 October 2022Mid Anglia Derry Watkins, ‘Summer flowers from seed, wonderful annuals and biennials’

    17 October 2022East-Cheshire Peter Williams, ‘Cold and frost-free greenhouse gardening’

    17 October 2022Warwickshire David Charlton, ‘African extremities. Flowers and wildlife on the Cape Peninsula and Kirstenbosch followed by the Rif Mountains of Morocco and the gardens of Marrakesh’

    18 October 2022AGS Zoom Lecture Dr. John Grimshaw, ‘Alpines of the Afromontane Archipelago’

    18 October 2022East Surrey Charlie Bancroft, ‘Nymans Rock Garden Restoration’

    20 October 2022Devon Exeter Jonathan Webster, ‘Rosemoor and its Plant Delights’

    22 October 2022Norfolk  Ray Drew, ‘Cypripediums’

    24 October 2022East Lancashire Via Zoom: Dave Toole, ‘Alpine Plants of the South Island’

    24 October 2022Leicestershire Sue Miles, ‘Flora and geology of Cyprus’

    26 October 2022Somerset Chris Lovell, ‘Morocco through bulbous eyes’

    27 October 2022Essex Mike Sullivan, ‘Hybridisation of Saxifrages, Lewisias & Correas’

    27 October 2022 – Hampshire Christopher Bailes, The Dry Garden: adapting to a changing climate

    29 October – 7 November 2022 – AGS Peloponnese Tour

  • September 2022

    1 to 15 September 2022 – AGS South Africa Tour

    1 September 2022Dorset Tim Lever, ‘Within sight of Snowdonia . At home with Alpines’

    3 September 2022Mid Anglia Annual Plant and Bulb Sale – held at Fullers Mill,West Stow, Bury St Edmunds, IP28 6HD, 2pm – 4pm (garden open until 5pm)

    3 September 2022Cleveland Ray Drew, ‘Cypripediums’

    5 September 2022Bedfordshire Tony Goode, ‘Hillary’s view (Vaud Alps)’

    5 September 2022  – Kent – Tunbridge Wells  AGM followed by a video of a member’s garden in spring/early summer

    6 September 2022Shropshire Tony Goode, ‘Crocus,Colchicum and cyclamen’

    7 September 2022Cotswold & Malvern Paul Ranson, ‘The Genus Dionysia’

    7 September 2022Derby Gill Fearn, ‘Plant hunting in South Africa and Namibia’

    9 September 2022Chiltern Keith Bankier, ‘Van and Eastern Turkey – The Volcanoes’

    9 September 2022Wirral & West Cheshire Paul Cook, ‘RHS Harlow Carr’

    10 September 2022West Yorkshire John Mitchell, ‘Travels around the world’

    10 September 2022South Lancashire Diane Clement, ‘Alpines in the wild and in cultivation’

    10 September 2022West Yorkshire John Mitchell, ‘Travels around the world’

    12 September 2022East Lancashire Kylie Hodges, ‘Plants of Tasmania’

    13 September 2022Epping-Forest AGM

    14 September 2022Oxford & District Graham Poynter, ‘On the trail of Farrer from Dales to Dolomites’

    15 September 2022Devon Exeter The Roger Stuckey Memorial Lecture Christopher Bailes, ‘Andean Adventures’

    15 September 2022North Lancashire Alan Oatway, ‘A-Z of Switzerland’

    17th September 2022AGS Conservation Day Lectures, 3pm -6pm BST

    19 September 2022Warwickshire Diane Clement, ‘Japan – The narrow road to the distant north’

    20 September 2022East-Cheshire Julian Sutton, ‘The secret life of bulbs and corms’

    20 September 2022East Surrey Diane Clement, ‘Japan – The narrow road to the distant north’

    20 September 2022AGS Zoom Lecture, Dr. Martin Sheader, ‘Cultivation of a selection of Patagonian alpines’

    22 September 2022 – Hampshire Razvan Chisu, Autumn bulbs in the Peloponnese and the last of the summer flowers

    24 September 2022Norfolk Christopher Grey-Wilson, ‘The three mountains’

    25 September 2022 AGS Bulb Day at Spetchley Park Gardens, WR5 1RS

    26 September 2022East Lancashire Via Zoom: Linda Cochran, ‘Discovering and cultivating showy native plants in the Pacific North-West’

    26 September 2022Leicestershire Robert Barlow, ‘Hostas’

    28 September 2022Somerset Kurt Vickery, ‘A bulb hunter’s favourite weeds’

    29 September 2022Essex John Amand, ‘Bulbs and how they get to your garden’

  • August 2022

    1 August 2022Bedfordshire In-person meeting: Tim Ingram, ‘Alpines and perennials for dry gardens’

    13 August 2022Norfolk Garden Visit

    16 August 2022East Surrey In-person meeting: Dr. Keith Ferguson, ‘Trilliums and Woodland Plants of North America’

    25 August 2022Essex In person meeting: Diane Clement, ‘A Seedy Business’

  • July 2022

    2 July 2022Norfolk In person meeting: Liz Livermore, ‘Chile, a Botanical Adventure’

    4 July 2022Bedfordshire In-person meeting: outdoor event

    6 July 2022Cotswold & Malvern In-person meeting: Cheese & Wine Evening at a venue TBA – contact secretary for further details.

    19 July 2022East Surrey In-person meeting: Diane Clement,‘The Narrow Road to the Deep North – Travels in Japan’

    20 July 2022Mid-Kent In-person meeting: Dr. Adrian Cooper, ‘Growing alpines and climate change’

    21 July 2022Devon Exeter In-person meeting: garden party

    27 July 2022Somerset In person meeting: Summer Social Springdale, Smeatharpe (provisional date)

    28 July 2022Essex In person meeting: Tom Freeth, ‘Alpines at Kew’

  • June 2022

    1 June 2022Cotswold & Malvern In-person meeting: Mini Show & Social evening

    6 June 2022Bedfordshire In-person meeting: Andrew Mayo, ‘Discovering downunder – from alpines of Victoria to the spectacular south-west’

    14 June 2022Epping-Forest In-person meeting: Matt Purkis, ‘Wildlife gardening’

    15 June 2022Mid-Kent Garden visit

    16 June 2022Devon Exeter In-person meeting: Trevor Wiltshire, ‘The Rock Garden at Wisley’

    21 June 2022East Surrey In-person meeting: Alex O’Sullivan, ‘An AGS Intern’s Adventures in Growing and Showing Alpines’

    30 June 2022Essex In person meeting: Dr Richard Rolf, ‘Argentina’

  • May 2022

    4 May 2022Cotswold & Malvern In-person meeting: Neil Huntley, ‘Primulas’

    5 May 2022Dorset In-person meeting: Julia Corden, ‘Favourite Alpines from Around the World’

    9 May 2022Bedfordshire In-person meeting: Diane Clement, ‘The narrow road to the deep north: travels in Japan’

    10 May 2022Epping-Forest In-person meeting: John Fielding, ‘Why can we grow so many Mediterranean plants in the UK?’

    13 May 2022Chiltern in-person meeting: Richard Green, ‘China beyond the crowds’

    13 May 2022Wirral & West Cheshire: AGM including a walk at Ness.

    14 May 2022South Lancashire In-person meeting: Mini Show

    14 May 2022West Yorkshire In-person meeting: AGS & Group spring show

    17 May 2022East Surrey In-person meeting: Bob Charman, ‘Kyrgyzstan and the Roof of the World’

    18 May 2022Mid-Kent In-person meeting: Ray Drew, ‘Cypripedium at Ditton’

    18 May 2022Somerset Garden visits to East Lambrook Manor and Avon Bulbs

    20 May 2022East-Cheshire In-person meeting: Group Show & AGM followed by member’s talk

    20 May 2022Devon Exeter In-person meeting: Dick Fulcher & Richard Horswood ’I do it My Way’ (Propagation and Troughs)’

    21 May 2022Mid Anglia – Garden visit

    25 May 2022Somerset In person meeting: Celia Wright, ‘From High Mountains to Long Mountain’

    26 May 2022Essex In person meeting: Doug Joyce, ‘Bardfield Oxlips’

    26 May 2022 – Hampshire In-person meeting: Colin Everett, ‘Growing Fritillaria What I Do and Why’. Photographic Competition Results. The Margaret Hedges Trophy for the photographic competition winner.

    28 May 2022Norfolk In person meeting: Kit Strange, ‘Alpines of the Western Pacific Coast of the USA’

  • April 2022

    2 April 2022Mid Anglia – Garden visit

    4 April 2022Bedfordshire In-person meeting: Joe Sharman, ‘The flowers of Mount Olympus’

    6 April 2022Cotswold & Malvern In-person meeting: Robert Bryan, ‘Spring flowers of Engadin, Switzerland’

    7 April 2022Dorset In-person meeting: Diane Clement, ‘A Seedy Business’

    8 April 2022 – Chiltern In-person meeting: Kerrie Porteous, ‘Switzerland and Slovenia, alpines and scenery’

    8 April 2022Wirral & West Cheshire: Local show (tbc)

    9 April 2022South Lancashire In-person meeting: Home and away – garden and holiday members photos

    9 April 2022 –  West Yorkshire In-person meeting: Peter Williams, ‘The Backhouses and their plants’

    11 April 2022East Lancashire Online plant talk: Todd Boland, ‘The Beartooth scenic highway: dizzying height and alpine delights’

    12 April 2022Epping-Forest In-person meeting: Diane Clement, ‘Hepaticas and Cyclamen, jewels of the garden’

    13 April 2022Oxford in-person meeting: Tom King, ‘The Crocus and Galanthus collections at RHS Garden Wisley’

    18 April 2022Warwickshire In-person meeting: Mini Show and AGM

    18 April 2022Cotswold & Malvern In-person meeting: Spring Show & Plant Sale

    19 April 2022East Surrey In-person meeting: Razvan Chisu, ‘Plants and castles of Transylvania’

    21 April 2022Devon Exeter In-person meeting: Group show

    21 April 2022Lancashire, North  In-person meeting: Diane Clement, ‘Hepaticas and Cyclamen, jewels of the garden’

    23 April 2022Norfolk Jon Evans, ‘Wildside Garden in Devon’

    25 April 2022East-Cheshire In-person meeting: Christopher Grey-Wilson, ‘Adonis and Codonopsis’

    27 April 2022Somerset In person meeting: Diane Clement, ‘Cyclamen and hepaticas – Jewels of the Garden’

    28 April 2022Essex In person meeting: Arthur Nicholls, ‘Spring in Iran’

    28 April 2022 – Online plant talk: John Dower, ‘Miniature gardens’ This talk will be recorded.

    28 April 2022Hampshire In-person meeting: AGM & Tim Ingram, ‘Gardens of the Czech Republic’

  • March 2022

    2 March 2022Cotswold & Malvern In-person meeting: Martyn Denney, ‘A Botanical Tour Through Japan’

    3 March 2022Dorset In-person meeting: AGM, John Lockwood and John Sample will speak after the AGM

    7 March 2022Bedfordshire In-person meeting: Tommy Tonsberg: ‘Gardens and garden plants of Norway’

    8 March 2022Epping-Forest In-person meeting: John Fielding, ‘Mediterranean flora & its suitability in the UK’

    9 March 2022Oxford in-person meeting: Razvan Chisu, ‘Romanian mountain plants’

    11 March 2022Chiltern In-person meeting: Dr Adrian Cooper, ‘Growing alpine plants in UK gardens and alpine houses’

    11 March 2022 –  Wirral & West Cheshire: Online plant talk: Cliff Booker, ‘Patagonia’

    12 March 2022South Lancashire In-person meeting: Growing alpines (tbc)

    12 March 2022West Yorkshire In-person meeting: John Grimshaw, ‘A journey in search of ungrowable plants’

    12 March 2022Mid Anglia In-person meeting: Richard Hobbs, ‘Little Blue Bulbs’

    15 March 2022East Surrey Online plant talk: Margaret Easter, ‘Thyme in the wild’

    17 March 2022Devon Exeter In-person meeting: David Carver, ‘Cultivating Daphnes’

    19 March 2022Dorset In-person meeting: Local show at Allendale, Wimborne

    21 March 2022Warwickshire In-person meeting: Jo and Brian Walker, ‘USA California’

    22 March 2022East Lancashire Online plant talk: Dr. David Millward, ‘Gardening a legacy’ (Please note this takes place on a Tuesday and not the usual Monday)

    23 March 2022Somerset In person meeting: AGM & Brenda and Peter Wilson, ‘Iceland’

    24 March 2022 – Online plant talk: Dr. Christopher Grey-Wilson, ‘Pasque-flowers, the genus Pulsatilla’ This talk will be recorded.

    24 March 2022Hampshire In-person meeting: David Dickenson, ‘Isolated in Time – How the Cévennes uniquely survived the Ice Age’. Plant Competition: The David Benton Rose Bowl is awarded to the winner of the Plant Competition

    26 March 2022Norfolk Group Show – judged by Gail Harland

  • February 2022

    2 February 2022Cotswold & Malvern In-person meeting: Duncan Coombs, ‘Into the high mountains of China’

    3 February 2022Dorset In-person meeting: Bob Gibbons

    5 February 2022 – AGS Zoom Snowdrop day, book tickets for this online event here.

    7 February 2022East Cheshire Online plant talk: Paul Cumbleton, ‘Growing and propagating South African bulbs’

    8 February 2022 – Epping-Forest In-person meeting: Jon Evans, ‘Off the chalk: plant hunting part 2’

    9 February 2022Oxford in-person meeting: Adrian Young, ‘Alpines and Dwarf Conifers’

    9 February 2022East Kent Online plant talk: Ian Young, ‘Bulb Log’

    11 February 2022Chiltern Online plant talk: Harry Jans (via Zoom), ‘AGS plant hunting tour to Peru’

    11 February 2022Wirral & West Cheshire In-person meeting: Tim Baxter, ‘Alpine trees’

    12 February 2022South Lancashire In-person meeting: Frank Hoyle, ‘Cultivating and killing cushions’

    12 February 2022West Yorkshire In-person meeting: Keith Bankier, ‘Van and Eastern Turkey’

    15 February 2022East Surrey Online plant talk: Adrian Davies, ‘Plant photography – telling a story’

    15 February 2022 – Arthur Nicholls, ‘Spring in Kyrgyzstan’ – Open and free to all AGS members in the Bedfordshire Region, Essex and Mid-Anglia catchment areas. To book a place, please email with your postcode

    16 February 2022Norfolk Online plant talk: Richard Green, ‘China beyond the crowds’

    17 February 2022Devon Exeter In-person meeting: Kurt Vickery, ‘Botanizing in the year of Lockdown – Treasures right under our noses’

    21 February 2022East Lancashire Online plant talk: Liz Knowles, ‘Echoes of wild places’

    21 February 2022Warwickshire In-person meeting: Diane Clement, ‘Woodland Plants in the Wild and in Cultivation’

    23 February 2022Somerset In person meeting: Hilary Little, ‘Along the Patagonian Highway’

    24 February 2022 – Online plant talk: Wim Boens, Leucojum the lesser-known sister of Galanthus‘  This talk will be recorded.

    24 February 2022Hampshire Online plant talk: Jim Jermyn, ‘European alpines in nature – a new look’

    28 February 2022East Cheshire In-person meeting: James Miller: ‘Geophytes and Flora of Israel and Palestine’

  • January 2022

    5 January 2022East Cheshire Online plant talk: Martin Sheader: ‘South American cushion plants’

    8 January 2022South Lancashire In-person meeting: Neil Huntley, ‘Alpines for troughs and raised beds’

    8 January 2022West Yorkshire In-person meeting: Razvan Chisu, ‘Memories of Greece’

    10 January 2022East Lancashire Online plant talk: Paul Spriggs: ‘Cracks and Crevices, the art of the crevice garden’.

    11 January 2022Epping-Forest In-person meeting: Ray Drew, ‘Cypripediums’

    11 January 2022 – Cliff Booker, ‘Cream of alpines’, – Open and free to all AGS members in the Bedfordshire Region, Essex and Mid-Anglia catchment areas. To book a place, please email with your postcode

    12 January 2022Oxford in-person meeting: Members’ evening

    12 January 2022East Kent Online plant talk: Harry Jans, ‘High Alpines on the Equator’

    14 January 2022 –  Chiltern Online plant talk: Timothy Walker (via Zoom) (tbc)

    14 January 2022Wirral & West Cheshire Online plant talk: Peter Williams, ‘The Backhouse dynasty’

    17 January 2022East Cheshire In-person & Zoom meeting: Razvan Chisu, ‘Spanish daffodils are many other gems’

    18 January 2022East Surrey Online plant talk: Trevor Wiltshire, ‘Galanthus’

    19 January 2022Norfolk Online plant talk: Alan Oatway, ‘Tibet, Everest and Alpine’

    20 January 2022Somerset & Devon Exeter joint Online plant talk: Richard Bains, ‘The Pontic Alps’

    26 January 2022Somerset Online plant talk: Jim Jermyn, ‘Growing Alpine Plants in true character’

    27 January 2022 – Online plant talk: Dr. Adrian Cooper, ‘Climate Change and growing alpines’ This talk will be recorded.

    27 January 2022Hampshire Online plant talk: Chris Gardner, ‘Flora of the Silk Road’

  • December 2021

    2 December 2021Dorset In-person meeting: Richard Horswood, ‘Norway via Gothenburg Botanic Garden’

    6 December 2021Bedfordshire In-person meeting: Kurt Vickery, ‘Tulips hunter’s favourite weeds: highlights of 10 years of tour leading’

    7 December 2021Shropshire In-person meeting: zoom talk streamed to Hall, David Morris, ‘Alpines of Kazach Tien Shan

    8 December 2021Oxford in-person meeting: AGM and talk by Charles Shi on his experience at Kew

    8 December 2021East Kent Online plant talk: Răzvan Chişu, ‘Romanian alpines’

    8 December 2021 – Tony Goode, ‘The Four Seasons’ – Open and free to all AGS members in the Bedfordshire Region, Essex and Mid-Anglia catchment areas. To book a place, please email with your postcode

    9 December 2021Hampshire In-person meeting, quiz and members’ presentations

    10 December 2021Chiltern In-person meeting: Paul Barney, ‘Ethiopian mountain plants’

    10 December 2021Wirral & West Cheshire Christmas Members’ Meeting via Zoom

    11 December 2021South Lancashire In-person meeting: David Charlton, ‘Flowers of the Dolomites and how to grow them’

    11 December 2021West Yorkshire In-person meeting: members’ photographs

    13 December 2021East Lancashire, Online plants talk: Jim Jermyn, ‘European alpines in nature – a new look’

    24 December 2021 – AGS Photographic Competition entry deadline

  • November 2021

    1 November 2021Bedfordshire In-person meeting: Liz Livermore, ‘Chile – A botanical adventure’

    2 November 2021Shropshire In-person meeting: Tim Lever, ‘Within Sight of Snowdonia: At home with Alpines

    4 November 2021Dorset In-person meeting: Lady Christine Skelmersdale, ‘Winter is not just Snowdrops!’

    8 November 2021East Lancashire Online plant talk: Anne Spiegel, ‘Gardening on rocks – a tale of two gardens’

    9 November 2021Epping-Forest In-person meeting: Liz Livermore, ‘Chile: a botanical adventure’

    10 November 2021Oxford in-person meeting: Tom Freeth, ‘The Alpine Houses of Kew’

    10 November 2021East Kent In-person meeting: Colin Moat, ‘Fifty Greys of Shade’

    12 November 2021Chiltern In-person meeting: Andrew Cleave, ‘Orchids of Italy and Alpines in Bulgaria’

    12 November 2021Wirral & West Cheshire In-person meeting: Propagation (speaker tbc)

    13 November 2021Annual General Meeting

    13 November 2021South Lancashire In-person meeting: John Dower, ‘Travels in the Peloponnese’

    13 November 2021West Yorkshire In-person meeting: Cliff Booker, ‘The cream of alpines’

    15 November 2021East Cheshire In-person meeting: Anthony Goode, ‘A crocus for all seasons’

    18 November 2021 – Online plant talk: Jim Almond, ‘Bulbs for year-round colour’

    18 November 2021Devon-Exeter In-person meeting: Bob & Rannveig Wallis, ‘Kyrgyzstan: the land of the nomads

    25 November 2021Hampshire In-person meeting: Tim Lever, ‘Jewels in the Rain’: Walking the mountains of Arunachal Pradesh’

    27 November 2021Seed Distribution open

  • October 2021

    4 October 2021East Lancashire Online plant talk: Richard Green, ‘China – Beyond the crowds’

    5 October 2021Shropshire In-person meeting: Alan Oatway, ‘Gardening in South Lakeland’

    7 October 2021Dorset In-person meeting: Tim Ingram, ‘Alpines and Perennials for dry gardens’

    8 October 2021Chiltern In-person meeting: Rupert Wheeler, ‘Red centre of Australia’

    9 October 2021 – AGS Show at Harlow Carr

    9 October 2021South Lancashire In-person meeting: Keith Bankier, ‘Flowers of Turkey’

    10 October 2021Wirral & West Cheshire In-person meeting: Samantha Hope, ‘Cape of New Experiences’

    11 October 2021 – Seed Exchange donations deadline

    11 October 2021East Cheshire in-person meeting: Colin Hickman, ‘Agapanthus and Nerines’

    13 October 2021Oxford in-person meeting: Jim Jermyn, ‘The Dolomites – A Gardener’s Paradise’

    13 October 2021East Kent in-person meeting: Paul Spracklin, ‘Gardening with succulents – how to use cacti and succulents as landscape subjects’

    14 October 2021 – Online plant talk: Ian Young, ‘Troughs’

    16 October 2021West Yorkshire in-person meeting: AGM & members’ talk

    21 October 2021Devon-Exeter in-person meeting: Jon Evans, ‘Blackthorn Nursery January to May’

    23 October 2021 – AGS Show at Hyde Hall

    28 October 2021Hampshire group Online plant talk: Jim Almond, ‘Alpines for everyone’

  • September 2021

    8 September 2021 – Oxford in-person meeting: Kurt Vickery, ‘A Tulip Hunters Favourite Weeds’

    16 September 2021 – Online plant talk: Chris Gardner, ‘Flora of the silk road’

    20 September 2021Each Cheshire in-person meeting, Tim Lever, ‘Within sight of Snowdonia: at home with alpines’

    20 – 26 September 2021 – Chelsea Flower Show