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A welcoming group of alpine enthusiasts with plenty of activities throughout the year. Each meeting features a plant display of dwarf bulbs and alpines grown by members. There's also a lending library and raffle of unusual plants. Subscriptions: AGS members - £9 single, £15 family. Non-members: £12 single, £20 family. Visitors £2.50.
Content Sidebar
  • Contact

    David Hughes (Secretary)
    01425 470464
  • Programme of meetings

    January 4th 2025
    TIM INGRAM                                                                                                                                                                    Under the Apple Trees         Zoom Meeting in the hall

    February 1st                                                                                                                                                                        JULIAN SUTTON
    A Plantsman’s guide to the American West                                                                                                                                                          

    March 1st                                                                                                                                                                             AGM  +    Members slides

    April 3rd
    Spanish daffodils and other gems

    May 1st
    AGS Show photography

    September 4th
    Pests and diseases

    October 2nd
    Planting for wildlife

    November 6th
    Yunnan and Bhutan

    December 4th




    St Nicholas Church

    Corfe Mullen BH21 3LE

    The show will be open to the public from 1pm  until 3 pm

    Staging for members will take place between 10.30 and 11.30


    Dorset groups Show case of Alpine Plants  and Photographs

    This is your opportunity to see Alpine plants and bulbs cultivated by local growers . Our members Alpine Photographs will also be on display.

    Members or neighbouring AGS groups are also welcome to exhibit.

    There will be plants for sale, cakes and tea!

    entrance £1

    Nurseries attending: 2023


    LEESA’S.  NOT JUST ALPINES .from Chichester



    Members Plant table









    SCHEDULE    For this year 2023 we will be staging a display of our plants, so this Schedule does not apply

    staging  10.30 until 11.30 pm

    1. Three pans rock plants in flower, distinct excluding bulbs and orchidaceae.

    2. Three pans bulbous plants in flower, distinct.

    3. Three pans rock plants in flower distinct.

    4. One pan rock plants in flower, open to novices who are members of the Dorset group, and have never won first prize in a previous Dorset competition.

    5. Rock plant, in a pan in flower excluding bulbs and orchidaceae.

    6. Narcissi in a pan

    7. Fritillaria in a pan.

    8. Bulbous plant in a pan .

    9. Three pans orchidaceae, distinct.

    10. Orchidaceae other than Pleione in a pan.

    11. Pleione in a pan..

    12. Three pans Primulaceae , distinct.

    13. Cyclamen, in a pan

    14. Primula in a pan.

    15. Primulaceae in a pan other than Cyclamen or Primula.

    16. Saxifrage in a pan.

    17. Cushion plant, in a pan.

    18. Sempervivum and/ or Jovibarba, in a pan.

    19. One pan foliage plant.

    20. Dwarf shrubs, including dwarf conifer and Rhododendron in a pan, distinct.

    21. Rock plants including bulbous plants grown from seed. In a pan … date of sowing must be stated.

    22. One arrangement of cut flowers and/or  foliage from plants suitable for a rock garden or alpine house, overall dimensions not to exceed 6 inches across and 5 inches high.

    23. A miniature garden or trough.

    24. Up to three photographs of alpine plant or plants, either close up , single or in the landscape, unmounted. Not to exceed 21 x 30 cm.

    Up to 3 entries in each class are permissible, except classes, 1,2,3, 9 and 12.



    Do join us and enjoy the tea and cake as well as the gardens!

    June 6th 2pm
    David and Christine
    Linmoor Cottage. Highwood. BH243LE

    Dot and John. 11am
    Parham Bungalow ,
    Market Lavington.
    SN10 4QA

    Bob Sawyer
    8,Tucks Close, Bransgore
    BH23 8ND
    Open for NGS.

  • Dorset AGM

You are very welcome to join us for our next meeting.



Saxifraga oppositifolia on screes high above Zermatt

Saxifraga oppositifolia growing above Cwm Idwel in Snowdonia

Our local Show was a great success. These excellent images were taken for us by 10 year old Solomon.

Some of the wonderful members plants that were on display at our last meeting

Galanthus Barnes seems to increase well…this was just one bulb 3 years ago and I have already given a couple away!
Flowering now on November 22nd 2021

David Hoskins grows the most beautiful Cyclamen plants. The one shown here is Cyclamen rependum which came from Ian Robertson a few years ago.

Above is his magnificent Cardiocrinum cathayanum grown from Jim Archibald’s seed sown 12 years ago!


Most of my Snowdrops have come from other Dorset Alpine Garden Society members…….we always have a small plant sale at our meetings as well as an excellent raffle. 

Narcissus Atlas Gold was selected by
Rob Potterton from seed collected by Jim Archibald in the High Atlas

This photo of Gill’s comes from Dorset AGS Committee who send warmest wishes for a Happy Christmas,and the hope that 2021 will enable us all to start meeting again in person

This is one of John Blanchards lovely Narcissus cantabricus flowering in the cold greenhouse today. It has many more flowers this year than last due,I think, to the lovely sunny weather we had in the early summer. I topdressed the pot in August and gave it a dilute feed of Miracle Grow at the beginning of September.

Some lovely Cyclamen grown by Gill Chudley most are kept undercover in her just frost free greenhouse.

A few Alpines from around our New Forest garden. Some are container grown so that we can adjust the soil conditions and others are on the rock garden.

Maureen and Martin live in Poole where they have been able to develop a lovely Japanese style garden.