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The Alpine Gardener

Our Journal is a high quality digital publication of technicolour photography and inspirational articles on alpine plants. It is published every quarter (March, June, September and December). We also publish a biannual printed edition (July and January)

Each issue is packed with informative articles, practical advice and expert insight on the cultivation and conservation of alpine plants.

The Alpine Gardener - June 2024

The Alpine Gardener - June 2024

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Join our plant hunters as they go round the world in search of rare alpine plants or find out how to look after that tricky alpine cushion plant at home. Learn about species you never knew existed and solve your gardening troubles with our botanists’ top tips.

It’s all here and more, with the perfect mix of articles for beginners and experts alike, in each edition of The Alpine Gardener.


We are working on producing an updated index to The Alpine Gardener.  In the meantime, here is a link to the last published index, running up to 2015, and PDFs listing additions to bring this up to date (June 2022).

Updates to The Alpine Gardener Index 2015 to 2022

  • Main Index

    Updates to Main Index 2015 to June 2022

    Download 1.37 Mb
  • Author Index

    Updates to Author Index 2005 to June 2022

    Download 375.53 Kb
  • Geographic Index

    Updates to Geographic Index 2015 to June 2022

    Download 154.50 Kb

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