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Devon – Exeter

A lively group meeting frequently for talks, plant sales and socials. Meetings are now back in Longdown Village Hall until further notice.
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The Exeter Group invites inspiring speakers to share their expertise at meetings, which also feature raffles and plant sales. The group organises a seed exchange, seedling exchange, garden visits, summer garden party and Christmas social.

It also organises the South West Alpine Flower Show and Plant Sale in association with RHS Rosemoor.

Subscriptions: AGS members – £7 single, £10 joint. Non-members £10 single, visitors £2.

  • Contact

    Mrs. Jeanne Nightingale: 01837 83288

  • Programme for 2024

    JAN 18th     Zoom meeting      Alpines in the wild and at RBG Edinburgh                John Mitchell

    JAN 24th      Zoom meeting with Somerset Group   Cream of Alpines                        Cliff Booker

    FEB 15th     Australian Terrestrial Orchids                                                                            Saul Walker           

    MAR 21st    The narrow road to the deep north – Travels in Japan                                Diane Clement

    MAR 23rd    AGS National Southwest Show at Rosemoor

    APR 18th       GROUP SPRING SHOW (please enter)

    May ?           Garden Visit  tba

    May 16th       Our Odyssey with bulbs                                              Paul Cumbleton and Colin Everett

    June 20th       Blackthorn Nursery part 2 Glorious June                                                   Jon Evans

    July 18th         Garden Party       Stonelands

    SEP 19th        The Roger Stuckey Memorial Lecture

    New horizons, botanical highlights from recent overseas tours                                       Kurt Vickery

    Oct 17th        Success with seeds  (Zoomed to the hall)                                                   Tim Ingram

    Nov 21st       Cyclamen and Snowdrops in the wild and in cultivation                             Jo Hynes

    DEC 12th        Seed Exchange, Grand Raffle &  CHRISTMAS PARTY

    (Please bring plate of food &/or drinks)



  • Next Meeting

    January zoom meetings. John Mitchell and Cliff Booker

  • News of members

    During the Covid19 closure the group has started to exchange pictures as a way of keeping in touch. Some of these are shown in the Gallery below. The first were received at the beginning of May.

Plants featured above are as follows.

Cyclamen pseudibericum from Dick and Lorna Fulcher (1). A selection of Rhodohypoxis from David Oakey (2).

Adiantum aleuticum from David Cann (3).

Daphne gemmata (4), Eriogonum douglasii douglasii (5) and Scutellaria supina (11) from Richard and Sue.

Saxifraga Southside Seedling (6) and Penstemon hirsuta pygmaea (7) from Julie Hatchett.

Daphne collection (8) and a Cypripedium hybrid (9) from David Carver.

A candelabra primula (10) from Nicki Bitschi and Podophyllum “Spotty Dotty” (12) from Annette Chapman.