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The group meets ten times a year to enjoy lectures from speakers from all over the UK. Meetings also include a plant sale, raffle, refreshments and the opportunity to borrow books from the group library.
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  • Subscription

    £7 per annum

    Visitors: £2 per meeting.

  • Contact

  • Programme of Events

    Please note that live meetings at Hethersett Village Hall take place from 2-5pm.

    Some meetings will be on Zoom and members will be notified as appropriate.

    Local group members will be sent a link to each Zoom meeting a few days before the meeting. Other AGS members are welcome to join our meetings and can request a link from Roy Mellor at

    All meetings are on Saturdays unless otherwise stated


    14th January (Tuesday at 7.30pm on Zoom)  Alan Oatway – Mountain Flowers of Northern Italy

    11th February (Tuesday at 7.30pm on Zoom) David Charlton – Flowers of the Pyrenees

    22nd March Norfolk Group Show – Judge Doney Andrews
    Doney will also give a talk on Bygones, and bring some of the many interesting objects he has
    collected for a long time. 

    26th April Brian Ellis – Snowdrops from the Norfolk Perspective


    10th May East Anglia Show at Connaught Hall, Attleborough

    24th May Diane Clement – Alpines in the Wild and in Cultivation

    28th June – TBA

    July – we will arrange a garden visit
    Information about the Speakers 
    Alan Oatway – Lives in Cumbria and is a member of the Lakeland Horticultural Society. The Show secretary of the Kendal Show, Alan is very involved in the wonderful Holehird Gardens run by volunteers from the society. Alan will share not only some wonderful botanical photographs, but the habitats where they grow, from rocky screes, to mountain meadows. Alan is an avid mountaineer and through this hobby became interested in the flora of the world’s high places.
    Doney Andrews – He has judged the Sandringham Flower Show for many years and was a landscape gardener until his retirement.
    Brian Ellis – He has been an avid snowdrop collector and grower for many years. A very knowledgeable plantsman who enjoys his garden and visiting gardens all over the country along with his passion for Snowdrops.
    Diane Clement – She has recently retired from being the Director of the AGS Seed Exchange. She has been growing and showing alpines for almost 30 years and is a keen exhibitor and AGS judge. Also a member of the RHS Alpine Committee and on several RHS plant trials. Recently awarded the Lyttel Trophy the premier award from the AGS. An excellent speaker and very popular lecturer.
  • Newsletters

  • East Anglia AGS Show

    The East Anglia Show has been scheduled for 10th May 2025

    It will take place at Connaught Hall, Station Road, Attleborough, NR17 2AS, located just off the A11.

  • Members' News and Pictures

    Members’ Pictures

    Maggie Burman’s at least 15 year old Physoplexis comosa, looking good again this year.

    Shirley White writes that her plants have been liking the cool damp conditions. She says her garden is more of a wild life garden than an alpine garden.
    Aquilegia sp.
    Meconopsis Lingholm
    Iris laevigata
    Fritillaria imperialis
    Anemone ranunculoides
    Anemone blanda
    Erythronium Pagoda
    Crocus sp.
    Clematis Freckles
    Primula auricula
    Enkianthus campanulatus
    Narcissus bulbocodium

    Spring plants in Phil and Diane Blyth’s garden

    Corydalis solida

    Paeonia cambessedesii

    Prunus incisa Kojo No Mai

    Saxifraga and Scilla sps.

    Tulipa turkestanica

    Saxifraga Allendale Charm

    Narcissus bulbocodium Arctic Bells

    Narcissus Elka

    Saxifraga x biasolettoi ‘Phoenix’

    Cyclamen coum

    Corydalis malkensis and Crocus tommasinianus

    Phil and Diane Blyth write:

    One of our seedling hellebores first time of flowering

    Daphne Jacqueline Postill and Correa Marion’s Marvel were both unaffected by the snow

    Plants growing in Ray and Coral Mitchell’s garden.

    Arum hygrophilum

    Crocus sieberi ‘Bowles’s White’

    Crocus sp.

    Eranthis hyemalis

    A very snowy Iris ‘Katharine Hodgkin’

    Iris reticulata ‘JS Djit’

    Daphne Jacqueline Postill & Correa Marion’s Marvel have been flowering since September in Diane and Phil Blyth’s garden.

    Clematis cirrhosa ‘Freckles’ in the snow in Diane and Phil Blyth’s garden.

    Summer in Maggie and John Burman’s garden.

    Romneya coulteri

    Romneya and Cotinus

    Leptospermum in trough

    A good year for the Wisteria

    Part of the Alpine Bed

    Caroline Woods and Roderick Woods saw Corokia cotoneaster growing very well on The Old Man Range in New Zealand on their trip there in January.  The pictures show their bush flowering on 27th April 2020, and the same bush with berries on 1st December 2020.

    Phil and Diane Blyth write: Daphne Ernst Hauser in the crevice garden is in it’s third flowering this year.

    Aubretia “Bressingham Red” in the crevice garden.

    Cyclamen are all over the garden. I love the leaves as much as the flowers.

    Does anyone know what this Crocus might be?

    Fuchsia Tom Thumb

    Autumn flowering snowdrop – Galanthus reginae-olgae?

    Nerine undulata f. crispa

    Hamamelis x intermedia Arnold Promise

    Caroline Woods and Roderick Woods write: I expect we all have similar plants in flower.  Cyclamen, Crocus, Colchicums, and a few Sternbergia.  Some will have snowdrops but we don’t! We also have many fungi at the moment.  I particularly like the Splash cup fungus, Cyathus strictus .  The ‘eggs’ in the nests are spore filled bags attached by thin threads.  Splashed out onto foxglove leaves they look like tadpoles.

    Aconitum hemsleyana

    Crocus cancellatus

    Colchicum cupani

    Crocus goulymii

    Cyathus strictus

    Old Nerines

    Autumn Colour in Phil and Diane Blyth’s garden

    Acer dissectum


    Enkianthus campanulatus

    Correa Marian’s Marvel

    Amaryllis beladona

    Plants in Phil and Diane Blyth’s garden

    Albizia julibrissin rosea

    This is the first year that it has flowered

    Crassala sarcocaulis. Helichrysum selago major. Oxalis squamata

    Eucomis autumnalis

    Daphne hendersonii Ernst Hauser

    Lewisia longipetala Little Plum

    Silene schafta

    Convolvulus sabatius

    Oenothera speciosa Siskiyou

    Campanula x wockei Puck

    Crevice garden

    Freesia laxa red form and Allium carinatum subsp pulchellum

    Gypsophila Rosy Veil

    Lillium nepalense

    Caroline and Roderick Woods write from their West Norfolk garden:

    Calandrinia umbellata in its second year.  Too intense for eyes and camera!

    Meconopsis Hensol Violet that Caroline has grown and watered.

    What happens indoors with time and neglect. Echinopsis eyriesii I am told. My younger son brought a piece home 38 years ago, and left it when he left home.

    Plants in Margaret Tyler’s garden

    Osmunda Cinnimonea in the only (slightly) damp part of the garden.

    Meconopsis Quintuplinervia in a trough for safety.

    Indigofera Howellii loving the drought.

    Siberian Irises Lady Vanessa and Mad Hat would welcome rain, as would I.

    Plants in Peter Lyle’s garden

    Fibigia clypeata also known as Roman Shields

    Hieracium pilsoum

    Lewisia George Henley

    Linum ‘Gemmell’s Hybrid’

    Nectaroscordum siculum and Libertia grandiflora

    Two plants in Caroline and Roderick Woods’ garden

    Gladiolus illyricus which is seeding around gently.  And rather more spectacular in colour, Tulipa sprengeri.  The seed was sown in 2013 and this is their second season of flowering.  In the autumn we will lift them and try to establish them in shrubby areas.

    Three miniatures grown by Margaret Tyler

    Adiantum aleuticum subpumilium

    Hosta Dragon Tails

    Hosta Holy Mouse

    Phil and Diane Blyth’s garden

    Arenaria montana

    Cornus Florida

    Daphne calcicola and Phlox sp.

    Daphne sp.

    Epimedium Amber Queen

    Gentiana acaulis Belvedere

    Iris sp.

    Jovellana violacea

    Lamium sandvasicum

    Paeonia Molly the Witch

    Paeonia officinalis

    Paeonia teniufolia

    Penstemon laetus ssp. roezlii

    Phlox sp.

    Primula Wharfedale Bluebell

    Rhodohypoxis Candystripe

    Trillium sessile californicum

    Margaret Tyler’s garden

    Anemonella thalictroides Oscar Schoaf and Betty Blake

    Dodecatheon media album

    Dwarf Iris Snowtree

    Epimedium Pink Champagne

    Pacific Coast Iris

    Caroline and Roderick Woods’ garden

    Arisaema sikokianum

    Mertensia maritima

    Osteospermum nanum?

    Rhododendron prinophyllum

    Don and Sally Smith’s garden

    Our frog pool, – really bought to contain a mini lemon water lily – but between three to six frogs use it for sunbathing daily as the weather warms up. Sally enjoys a mid morning coffee on the garden bench beside them as they stare intently, in the water, heads only

    Tiarella sp.

    Variegated Stachyurus praecox inside the front garden and Phlox, Aubretia, plus seedling Geraniums etc, on the low
    flint wall outside, mostly enjoyed by our friendly daily dog walkers

    Phil and Diane Blyth’s garden

    Clematis moonbeam

    Cornus Florida

    Penstemon laetus ssp roezlii

    Phlox bifida Ralph Haywood

    Pieris Silver

    John and Brenda Foster’s garden

    Asarina procumbens growing through greenhouse wall

    Buglossoides purpurocaerulea

    Camassia and Lunaria

    Iris Gingerbread

    Lamium orvala

    Brenda’s week’s work taking off hellebore seed heads

    Tulipa Spring Green

    Vinca Jenny Pym

    Wren’s nest outside summer house

    Maggie and John Burman’s garden

    Gentiana verna

    Androsace sp.

    Ballerina apple

    Plants in Margaret Tyler’s garden

    Epimedium Space Wagon

    Erythronium Rosalimd

    Narcissus Solveig’s Song

    Primula Dunbeg

    Diane and Phil Blyth’s garden

    Aubrietia Elsa Lancaster

    Collection of Sempervivums

    Gentiana occidentalis

    Tulipa Honky Tonk

    Armeria juniperifolia bevans variety

    Clematis moonbeam cascading down the side of crevice garden

    Daphne hendersonii Ernst hauser

    Raised bed

    Rock garden

    Hardy Gerbera and Tulipa saxatilis

    Sanguinaria flora plena

    Trillium ovatum x rivale

    Trillium recurvatum

    Phill and Lesley Webdale’s garden

    Fritillaria acmopetala

    Fritillaria involucrata

    Fritillaria pontica

    Prunus amanogawa

    Staphylea colchica

    Don and Sally Smith’s garden

    A group of our koi happily feeding after their long five month fast

    Daphne cneorum from Robin White with Omphalodes cappadocica

    Exochorda x macrantha The Bride

    Seed pods of Clematis nepalensis

    Galanthus triplet and Narcissus sp. grown by Phil and Diane Blyth

     Two Epimediums grown by Peter Lyle

    Epimedium lishihchenii

    Epimedium fargesii Pink Constellation

    Plants in Margaret Tyler’s garden

    Iris suaveolens

    Fritillaria meleagris Eros

    Dwarf Iris

    Anemonella thalictroides Cameo

    Plants (and dogs!) in Phill and Lesley Webdale’s garden

    Fritillaria pallidiflora

    Magnolia Canary Bird


    Plants in Maggie and John Burman’s garden

    Erythronium White Beauty grown by Angela Prager

    Anemones, Fritillaries and Trilliums in John and Brenda Foster’s garden

    Anemone pavonina

    Anemone robinsoniana

    Anemone seemannii and a Primula vulgaris

    Anemone pavonina

    Fritillaria imperialis lutea

    Trillium albidum

    Caroline and Roderick Woods’ Erythroniums

    From Ian Young’s e-book on Erythroniums we now know we have one clump of E. oregonum and two of E. californicum, not three or E. oregonum!

    E. oregonum

    E. californicum

    From Don and Sally Smith

    Their garden, happily swamped with colour

    The new golden foliage on one of our acers by the pond, with Betula jacquemontii towering behind

    Muscari Ocean Blue grown by Angela Prager

    Plants in Roy and Sandra Mellor’s garden

    Tulipa biflora

    Narcissus sp.

    Narcissus sp.

    Helleborus sp.

    Two plants from Don and Sally Smith’s garden

    Corydalis Temuliflolia ‘Chocolate Stars’

    Nandina domestica

    Gardening in John and Brenda Foster’s garden

    Pruning trees

    Preparing to plant potatoes today

    Helleborus Party Dress

    Edgeworthia chrysantha and Fritillaria imperialis

    Double daffodils, hellebores, fritillaria meleagris

    Abies nordmanniana Golden Spreader

    Plants and views in the garden of Brian Ellis and David King

    Plants in John and Brenda Foster’s garden

    Leucojum Gravetye Giant

    Magnolia Leonard Messel

    Primula vulgaris Vanilla Cream

    Romulea tempskyana

    Fritillaria imperialis Rubra – One Bulb bought in 1948 at Myddleton House

    Fritillaria thunbergii

    More from Caroline and Roderick Wood’s garden

    Two Anemone blanda pictures – A few corms and 15 years of freedom

    Caroline’s Trillium rivale after 12 years in a pot

    Plants in Peter Lyle’s garden

    Narcissus Snow Baby

    Oxalis acetosella var. purpurascens

    Plantago malato-belizii

    Tulipa polychroma

    Viola biflora

    Maggie and John Burman’s garden

    Lachenalia aloides grown by Sandra Mellor

    Saxifraga Phoenix grown by Sandra Mellor

    Plants in Ray and Coral Mitchell’s garden

    Trillium chloropetalum

    Sanguinaria canadensis

    Muscari ‘Valerie Finnis’

    Muscari sosnowskyi

    Muscari macrocarpum

    Muscari latifolia

    Iris bucharica

    Helleborus Dark Form

    Corydalis malkensis

    Anemone blanda

    Allium paradoxum var. normale

    Plants in Phill and Lesley Webdale’s garden

    Chionodoxa giant blue

    Fritillaria imperialis lutea

    Fritillaria michailovskyi

    Saxifraga sps.

    The Saxifragas were won in the raffle, labels long since eaten by the dogs so if anyone can name them for Phill that would be a help.
    He is also seeking ideas for a newly built large raised bed approx 8ft by 4ft and approx 2ft deep which is viewed from the kitchen window. Plants that will give all year round interest to compliment a large selection of Fritillaria bulbs that will be put in. So far there are 2 mini conifers.
    If you can help Phill out, please email your replies to me at:

    Hellebores and Daffodils in John and Judy Wilson’s garden

    Plants in the garden of Brian Ellis and David King

    Tulipa humilis in Caroline and Roderick Woods’ garden

    Pulsatilla sp. in Caroline and Roderick Woods’ garden

    Soldanella montana – Peter Lyle

    Chrysosplenium macrophyllum – Peter Lyle

    Linaria vulgaris f. peloria – Peter Lyle

    Oxalis stipularis – Peter Lyle