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The group meets once a month from September to May to enjoy interesting talks and chat with like-minded people.
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  • Subscription

    £6 family plus additional £1 per meeting per attendee.

    Visitors: £2 per meeting.

  • Contact

    Mr Alwyn Foster (Secretary): 0115 9312571.

  • Programme

    13th September Brian Hammond “A Walk on the Wild Side”
    11th October Diane Clement “Alpines in the Wild and in Cultivation”
    8th November Henry Fletcher The genus Daphne
    13th December AGM followed by members’ photographs
    10th January Chairman’s Evening – a talk arranged by the Chairman
    14th February David Charlton “Wild Mountain Flowers from Alaska to Oregon”
    13th March Tracey Akehurst The Plant Hunter
    10th April Members’ plants and short talks, followed by a buffet
    8th May Dr. Mike Davey “Plants of the Desert:  An introduction to Cacti and Succulents.”