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Mid Anglia

Since November 1975
Meetings are usually held on the second Saturday of the month. There are garden meetings during the summer and autumn. During the colder months there is a programme of interesting indoor talks and lectures, some of which are virtual meetings via Zoom that are held in conjunction with neighbouring Groups. These are also advertised on the AGS website and by email to Group members.
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  • Subscription

    £2 per annum.

  • Contact

    Hon. Secretary:  Mrs Jenny Clarke, Pentlow Mill, Cavendish,

    Suffolk CO10 7SP    Tel: 01787 281072

    Programme Secretary: Dr. Lynne Joyce


    Hon.Treasurer: Margaret Rufus

  • Programme of events for 2025

    Sunday January 11th, 11am

    Long Melford Village Memorial Hall Long Melford  CO10 9JQ

    David Livermore, “The Flowers of the of the Russian Caucasus”

    Thursday, January 23rd, 7 pm

    Zoom talk with the Bedfordshire AGS Group.

    Frazer Henderson, “The Celestial Mountains: Floral Highlights of the Tien Shan”.

    Wednesday February 12th, 11am

    Skreen’s Lodge, Willingale, Ongar, Essex CM5 0SU

    A visit to Ailsa Wildig’s garden to see her snowdrops and aconites.

    Restricted numbers, members only.

    Thursday March 6th, 7pm

     Zoom talk with the Bedfordshire AGS Group.

    Cliff Booker, “Zion to Neon -An American Road Trip”

    Saturday March 8th, 2:15pm

    Long Melford Village Memorial Hall Long Melford  CO10 9JQ

    Brian Ellis,“Norfolk: Places, People and their snowdrops

    Sunday 12th April, 2:15pm

    Long Melford Village Memorial Hall Long Melford  CO10 9JQ

    John David, “To Spain for daffodils”

    Sunday May 4th, 2pm

    Pepper’s Farm, Forry’s Green, Sible Hedingham, CO9 3RP

    A visit to Pam Turtle’s Bluebell wood. Restricted numbers, members only.

    Saturday May 10th  

    AGS East Anglia Show

    Connaught Hall, Station Road, Attleborough NR17 2AS.
     It is easily accessed from the A11.

    Saturday May, 31st 2pm

    Rosedale, 40, Colchester Road, Bures, Suffolk CO8 5AE
    A visit to Ruth and Colin Lorking’s garden. Restricted numbers, members only.

    June Garden visit tbc

    Saturday July 12th, 2:30pm

    Long Melford Village Memorial Hall Long Melford  CO10 9JQ

    Kit Grey Wilson, “Picos de Europa, a Jewel in the Mountains of Northern Spain”

    Sunday August 17th 2pm until 4pm

    Pentlow Mill, Pentlow Lane, Cavendish, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 7SP

    Bulb and Plant Sale in Andrew and Jenny Clarke’s garden.

    Guest nurseries Pottertons, Aberconwy and Monksilver.
    Also Riverside bulbs, Members stall and card stall. Auction and Raffle.
    Refreshments from 2:30pm
    Free entry and Parking

    Saturday September 13th, 2pm

    Chestnuts, Whelp Street, Preston St. Mary, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 9NL

    A visit to Rod and Jane’s garden. Restricted numbers, members only.

    Saturday October 18th, 2:15pm

    Long Melford Village Memorial Hall Long Melford  CO10 9JQ

    Speaker tbc

    Sunday November 23rd, 11am

    Long Melford Village Memorial Hall Long Melford  CO10 9JQ

    Bob and Ranvig Wallis title tbc

    Sunday December 14th, 11am

    Long Melford Village Memorial Hall Long Melford  CO10 9JQ

    AGM and members contributions.