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Oxford & District

Since 1960
This lively and friendly group holds monthly meetings from September - April which include an insightful talk, refreshments and a plant raffle. The group also organises garden visits and social gatherings during the spring and summer months.
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  • Winter Programme

    Winter programme 2024-25

    Wednesday 11 September 2024 – Nigel Hopes “Ashwoods Specialities”

    An overview of some of the wonderful plants Ashwood Nurseries is renowned for. Hellebores, Hepaticas, Cyclamen, Salvia, Hydrangea, Snowdrops and more!

    Wednesday 9 October – Kurt Vickery “Georgia and the Caucasus”

    Early spring to late summer, from snowdrops to glorious perennials.

    Wednesday 13 November – John Anderson “Alpines and Woodland Plants at Windsor”

    A look at the alpine plants on raised beds, Dry Garden to the Woodland areas of Savill Garden.

    Wednesday 11 December – ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING

    To be followed by a talk given by Emma Thick “The Ongoing Trials of Managing a Galanthus Collection and all that it Entails”.

    Wednesday 8 January 2025 – MEMBERS’ EVENING

    This is an opportunity for members to give short talks, illustrated or not, on topics of interest to the group.  Please let Celia Sawyer know at least a month before if you think you can help.

    Wednesday 12 February – Tom Freeth “The Early Flowering Flora of Spain”

    Images and maps put together over a few different trips to Spain, looking at plants suitable for cultivation on the Rock Garden or in the Alpine House including the early Narcissus of northern Spain and some of the early semi-arid flora of Andalusia.

    Wednesday 12 March – Tony Goode “Bulbs for All Seasons”

    Drawing on his long experience growing dwarf bulbs.  An introduction to the many genera and methods of cultivation.

    Wednesday 9 April – David Rankin “The Rocky Road to Chelsea”

    Planning and preparation of amazing displays at gardening shows.

    Please bring plants to each meeting for the raffle and the plant sales table. Members are also asked to bring along any interesting or unusual plants for other members to see.


  • Contact us

    If you want to contact us please get in touch with our Secretary, Celia Sawyer:

    01608 684755

  • Joining the group

    The annual subscription for the group is £10.00 per person.

    Visitors are most welcome at any of our winter lecture events – £5.00 per meeting.

    Further details and an application form can be downloaded here.

    If you want further information, please contact our Treasurer/Membership Secretary at

  • Summer Programme

    The group is active over the whole year. During the summer months we arrange social events and garden visits for our members and their guests.

    Typically during May we hold an afternoon social event at a member’s garden where we serve tea and cakes and hold a plant sale.

    Approximately monthly during the spring/summer we arrange a garden visit for a group of members and their guests.

    To round off the season we hold an evening social event in August where we combine a visit to a member’s garden with an evening meal at a nearby venue and a plant sale.

    If you are interested in participating in any of these activities please join the group.

  • Group Newsletter

    At the end of each year the Oxford and District Group publishes a Newsletter for members. Here are links to the most recent editions.

Paeonia x smouthii

Crocus goulimyi

Hepatica nobilis

GENTIANA FARRERI (Silken Star Group)