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North Wales

Since 1977
Formed in 1977, members range from experienced growers to interested amateurs and general gardeners, all with an interest in mountain plants. During the autumn and winter, meetings include a lecture from guest speakers. In summer, various events and outings are organised. We are very keen to meet fellow gardeners with an interest in alpine plants. Our small and very friendly group offers a warm welcome to everyone, whatever their level of knowledge. The talks we arrange reflect our wide interests in plants and gardening and we are able to book speakers from around the UK to come and entertain us. Please get in touch if you are interested or to find out more.Find us on Facebook here
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  • Subscription

    £8 single, £10 family plus £2 per meeting attended which includes a free Raffle Ticket

    These rates have been held at pre-pandemic level.

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  • Programme

    The group has now recommenced activity following the covid suspension.  Monthly talks will begin in September 2023.   A garden visit and a wildlife walk are being arranged for the summer months.

    Programme of Events 2024
    Thurs Sept 12th 7.30pm   Diane Clement.  Alpines in the Wild and in Cultivation

    Thurs Oct 10th 7.30pm    David Rankin.  Poles Apart – Mountain Flowers of Chile and China

    Saturday Nov 9th 2pm   David Charlton.  Flowers of the Pyrenees

    Diane Clement brings a wealth of experience in growing alpine plants in the garden and has travelled the world to see them in nature.  Her talk will showcase both the flowers and scenery of the mountains and share a variety of ways to grow alpine plants at home.

    David Rankin, former President of the Scottish Rock Garden Club has an exemplary cv in the world of alpines.  He will take us, quite literally, around the world as he compares and contrasts the flowers and landscape of two regions that are on opposite sides of the planet.

    David Charlton, long an alpine enthusiast, has led botanical tours in the Picos, the Pyrenees and the Dolomites, co-authoring a book on the flowers of the latter. In February 2024 he will show us some of the mountain flowers and the dramatic scenery of the Pyrenees.

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