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Seed Distribution 2024

Seed Distribution takes place at Pershore where we pick and post out seed orders from members.  We need lots of helpers to work at Pershore from late November to the end of January.  We also need volunteers to help with the IT and admin involved in doing the job.  It’s always a sociable occasion with tea, coffee, cake and biscuits provided.  Please can you help this year?

Can you get together a car load from your group to come and help us?

Seed Distribution volunteers

Seed Distribution

Seed Distribution

If you would like more information about helping with Seed Distribution, contact Diane Clement by email



Seed Ordering 2024-2025

Seed Ordering 2024-25

Seed Exchange for Overseas Members

There are increasing regulations for the import and export of seed to and from all countries worldwide. If you are an overseas member who wishes to take part in any aspect of the seed exchange, please follow the link below:

Seed Exchange for Overseas Members