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Seed Exchange for Overseas Members 2024

Seed Donations from outside the UK

All seed now entering the UK from overseas does need a Phytosanitory Certificate. The charges for this vary enormously worldwide but if you are able to group together with other members in your country and send your donations under a joint Certifcate, that may be financially beneficial.

If you are able to donate seed, please post as soon as you can.  If you think your seed will not meet the deadline, we are very happy to receive late seed if you could please email me before posting as I may give you an alternative postal address.

Seed Donations from the US and Canada

Special arrangement for seed donations
from the US and Canada 2024

Seed Donors from the USA and Canada

Seed Lists

As a result of increasing postal charges, and to support our environmental objectives, we will no longer be posting the seed list to all members.  The seed list will be available for online orders in November 2024, and it will also be possible to download and print a copy from the website from that date if you wish to order by post, although we strongly recommend online ordering if you can do this.  If you cannot access the list in this way, we would be happy to post you a copy.  Please contact Diane Clement or the AGS before 1st November 2024 if you would like a seed list by post.  Please bear in mind that there are likely to be postal delays for overseas members requesting seed lists or ordering seed by post and we strongly recommend you use the website for seed orders.

Seed Ordering 

Overseas members excluding Japan, Australia and the EU

For members in countries not in the EU, Japan or Australia there is no change from previous years.  You will be able to order seed this year in the same way as you have done in the past.  We can send seed to Northern Ireland and Norway.


Members in the USA requiring seed will need to send us an Import Permit by mail or email (obtainable from the USDA website).  This system has worked well for many years. More information will follow in the September Newsletter.

 Japan, Australia and the EU

Seed entering Japan, Australia the EU must now be accompanied by a Phytosanitary Certificate which is prohibitively expensive for us to obtain, and therefore currently not appropriate for our seed exchange.  We are currently engaged in discussion with the RHS and other Plant Societies who have international seed exchanges, to try and plan a route through this new legislation which will be acceptable and manageable for Plant Societies.  Realistically this will not happen this year and we will be working towards a change in the future.  We are very sorry that we will not be able to send seed this year to the EU or Japan but we are hoping for a change in future years.  We can send seed to Norway.


For any questions about the Seed Exchange, please contact Diane Clement


Image of Mrs M D and Mr M G Clement Mrs M D and Mr M G Clement