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Saxifraga fortunei

October 4, 2018
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Common name: Fortune saxifrage
Family: Saxifragaceae
Origin: China, Japan


S. fortunei was first described by the English botanist William Jackson Hooker from a Chinese collection in 1863. It was named for the Scottish plant hunter Robert Fortune.

A member of the Saxifraga sect. irregulares which are distinguished by their uneven petal arrangement (zygomorphy). Chinese varieties include vars. fortunei and koraiensis. From Japan, there are vars. incisolobatum, obtusocuneata, minima (alpina), parita and crassifolia.


Size varies, from 7-8cm height and spread, up to 40cm. Flowers vary from white through to dark pink and bloom from late summer.

S. fortunei is also chosen for the quality of its foliage. The colour, shape and texture varies greatly.

This group supplies a large number of easily-grown varieties and is the perfect way to extend colour in the garden into late autumn.

How to grow

S. fortunei will grow well in leafy soil. A moist, part-sheltered corner of the garden will provide ideal conditions.

Larger varieties of the species and named clones make excellent border plants. The smaller ones work well in pots and containers.

It flowers in late autumn. A herbaceous plant, it dies back with heavy frosts.