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AGS East Cheshire Show 2024 Results

June 3, 2024

Section: Open(1) (36cm)

CLASS 1:  3 pans rock plants (2 entries)
1st Michael Sullivan, Doddinghurst
2nd Tommy Anderson, Kendal

CLASS 2:  1 pan rock plant in flower (1 entry)
1st Michael Sullivan, Doddinghurst
2nd Peter Farkasch, Sandbach
3rd Bob Worsley, Woodford

CLASS 3:  3 pans rock plants from any one plant family (family to be stated) (1 entry)
1st Don Peace, Yarm

CLASS 4:  1 pan Primulaceae (1 entry)
1st John Richards, Hexham

CLASS 5:  1 pan Saxifragaceae (3 entries)
1st Michael Sullivan, Doddinghurst
2nd Bob Worsley, Woodford
3rd Chris Lilley, North Anston

CLASS 6:  1 pan Campanulaceae (1 entry)
3rd John Richards, Hexham

CLASS 7:  1 pan Caryophyllaceae (2 entries)
1st Ian Instone, Leeds
2nd Steve Clements, Sleaford

CLASS 8:  1 pan Asteraceae (1 entry)
1st Michael Wilson, Wakefield

CLASS 9:  1 pan Lewisia or Lewisiopsis (1 entry)
1st Martin Rogerson, Breadsall

CLASS 10:  1 pan Orchidaceae (excl. Dactylorhiza) (0 entries)

CLASS 11:  1 pan Dactylorhiza (3 entries)
2nd Don Peace, Yarm
3rd Tommy Anderson, Kendal
3rd Georgina Instone, Leeds

CLASS 12:  1 pan bulbous plant (4 entries)
1st Bob Worsley, Woodford
2nd Steve Clements, Sleaford
3rd John & Clare Dower, Frodsham
3rd Ian Instone, Leeds

CLASS 13:  3 pans rock plants native to any one continent. Continent to be stated (0 entries)

CLASS 14:  1 pan rock plant native to Asia (4 entries)
1st Henry Fletcher, Derby
2nd Carol Kellett, Chorley
3rd Don Peace, Yarm

CLASS 15:  1 pan rock plant native to Europe (3 entries)
1st David Charlton, Derby
2nd Martin Rogerson, Breadsall
3rd Michael Sullivan, Doddinghurst

CLASS 16:  1 pan rock plant native to North America (1 entry)
1st David Charlton, Derby

CLASS 17:  1 pan rock plant native to the Southern Hemisphere (3 entries)
1st David Charlton, Derby
2nd John & Clare Dower, Frodsham
3rd Carol Kellett, Chorley

CLASS 18:  3 pans dwarf shrubs (at least two to be in flower) (2 entries)
1st Chris Lilley, North Anston
3rd Carol Kellett, Chorley

CLASS 19:  1 pan dwarf shrub in flower (1 entry)
1st Mark Childerhouse, Brigg

CLASS 20:  1 pan dwarf conifer (4 entries)
1st Bob Worsley, Woodford
2nd Don Peace, Yarm
3rd David Charlton, Derby

CLASS 21:  1 pan Ericaceae (1 entry)
2nd Ian Instone, Leeds

CLASS 22:  3 pans rock plants for foliage and group effect (3 entries)
1st Steve Clements, Sleaford
2nd Bob Worsley, Woodford
3rd Brian & Shelagh Smethurst, Bury

CLASS 23:  1 pan rock plant for foliage effect (5 entries)
1st Don Peace, Yarm
2nd Bob Worsley, Woodford
3rd Ian Instone, Leeds

CLASS 24:  1 pan hardy fern (7 entries)
1st Michael Wilson, Wakefield
2nd Brian & Shelagh Smethurst, Bury
3rd Peter Hood, Hetton-le-Hole

CLASS 25:  3 pans Crassulaceae (5 entries)
1st Michael Sullivan, Doddinghurst
2nd John & Clare Dower, Frodsham
3rd Martin Rogerson, Breadsall

CLASS 26:  1 pan Crassulaceae (excl. Sempervivum/ Jovibarba) (3 entries)
1st Michael Sullivan, Doddinghurst
2nd Ian Instone, Leeds
3rd Carol Kellett, Chorley

CLASS 27:  1 pan Sempervivum (inc. Jovibarba) (7 entries)
1st Michael Sullivan, Doddinghurst
2nd Chris Lilley, North Anston
3rd David Charlton, Derby

CLASS 28:  3 pans cushion plants (1 entry)
1st Mark Childerhouse, Brigg

CLASS 29:  1 pan cushion plant (3 entries)
1st David Charlton, Derby
2nd Ian Instone, Leeds
3rd Georgina Instone, Leeds

CLASS 30:  1 pan planted as a miniature garden (accessories NOT permitted). Note 22 (4 entries)
1st John & Clare Dower, Frodsham
2nd Peter Hood, Hetton-le-Hole
3rd Carol Kellett, Chorley

CLASS 31:  1 pan planted as a miniature garden (accessories permitted). Note 22 (3 entries)
1st Carol Kellett, Chorley
2nd Georgina Instone, Leeds
3rd Ellen Davies, Nelson

Section: Open(2) (19cm)

CLASS 41:  6 pans rock plants (not more than two of any one genus). AGS MEDAL  (1 entry)
2nd John & Clare Dower, Frodsham

CLASS 42:  3 pans rock plants (distinct genera) (1 entry)
2nd Tommy Anderson, Kendal

CLASS 43:  1 pan rock plant in flower (4 entries)
1st Don Peace, Yarm
2nd Michael Sullivan, Doddinghurst
3rd Martin Rogerson, Breadsall

CLASS 44:  1 pan Primulaceae (0 entries)

CLASS 45:  1 pan Saxifragaceae (3 entries)
1st Michael Sullivan, Doddinghurst
2nd Mark Childerhouse, Brigg
3rd Tommy Anderson, Kendal

CLASS 46:  1 pan Campanulaceae (5 entries)
1st Brian & Shelagh Smethurst, Bury
2nd Brian Burrow, Lancaster
3rd John & Clare Dower, Frodsham

CLASS 47:  1 pan Caryophyllaceae (5 entries)
1st Steve Clements, Sleaford
2nd Ian Instone, Leeds
3rd Georgina Instone, Leeds

CLASS 48:  1 pan Asteraceae (1 entry)
1st John & Clare Dower, Frodsham

CLASS 49:  1 pan Lewisia or Lewisiopsis (species) (0 entries)

CLASS 50:  1 pan Lewisia (hybrid) (2 entries)
1st Martin Rogerson, Breadsall
2nd Mark Childerhouse, Brigg

CLASS 51:  1 pan Orchidaceae (excl. Dactylorhiza) (0 entries)

CLASS 52:  1 pan Dactylorhiza (5 entries)
1st Vivien Self, Maiden Law
2nd Don Peace, Yarm
3rd Georgina Instone, Leeds
3rd Ian Instone, Leeds

CLASS 53:  3 pans bulbous plants (1 entry)
2nd Tommy Anderson, Kendal

CLASS 54:  1 pan bulbous plant (6 entries)
1st Michael Wilson, Wakefield
2nd Peter Farkasch, Sandbach
3rd Bob Worsley, Woodford

CLASS 55:  1 pan rock plant native to Europe (3 entries)
1st Mark Childerhouse, Brigg
2nd Brian Burrow, Lancaster
3rd Georgina Instone, Leeds

CLASS 56:  1 pan rock plant native to Asia (5 entries)
1st Martin Rogerson, Breadsall
2nd Bob Worsley, Woodford
3rd Peter Farkasch, Sandbach

CLASS 57:  1 pan rock plant native to Africa (4 entries)
2nd Brian & Shelagh Smethurst, Bury
3rd Georgina Instone, Leeds

CLASS 58:  1 pan rock plant native to the Americas (5 entries)
1st Ian Instone, Leeds
2nd Don Peace, Yarm
3rd David & Liz Livermore, Barley

CLASS 59:  1 pan rock plant native to Australasia (2 entries)
1st John & Clare Dower, Frodsham
2nd Ian Instone, Leeds

CLASS 60:  1 pan rock plant with silver/grey foliage (4 entries)
2nd Chris Lilley, North Anston
3rd Ian Instone, Leeds

CLASS 61:  1 pan rock plant for foliage effect. Only for plants not previously shown at an AGS National show this year (8 entries)
1st Michael Wilson, Wakefield
2nd Carol Kellett, Chorley
3rd Bob Worsley, Woodford

CLASS 62:  6 pans rock plants (three in flower and three foliage) (3 entries)
1st Tommy Anderson, Kendal
2nd Bob Worsley, Woodford
3rd Steve Clements, Sleaford

CLASS 63:  1 pan cushion plant (6 entries)
1st Mark Childerhouse, Brigg
2nd Bob Worsley, Woodford
3rd Georgina Instone, Leeds

CLASS 64:  1 pan dwarf shrub (5 entries)
1st Chris Lilley, North Anston
2nd Dave Riley, Kendal
3rd Frank Dobson, Scarisbrick
3rd John Richards, Hexham

CLASS 65:  1 pan dwarf conifer (5 entries)
1st Bob Worsley, Woodford
2nd Georgina Instone, Leeds
3rd John & Clare Dower, Frodsham

CLASS 66:  1 pan hardy fern (8 entries)
1st Don Peace, Yarm
2nd Bob Worsley, Woodford
3rd David & Liz Livermore, Barley

CLASS 67:  1 pan hardy cactus (5 entries)
1st David Charlton, Derby
2nd Carol Kellett, Chorley
3rd Bob Worsley, Woodford

CLASS 68:  3 pans rock plants grown from seed by the exhibitor. Note 23(e) (1 entry)
1st Mark Childerhouse, Brigg

CLASS 69:  1 pan rock plant grown from seed by the exhibitor. Note 23(e) (3 entries)
1st Michael Sullivan, Doddinghurst
2nd Bob Worsley, Woodford
3rd Ian Instone, Leeds

CLASS 70:  3 pans rock plants (all requiring the same cultural conditions). Educational information about ‘How and Where to Grow’ to be provided. Note 32 (3 entries)
1st Mark Childerhouse, Brigg
2nd Don Peace, Yarm
3rd John & Clare Dower, Frodsham

CLASS 71:  1 pan rock plant, new in cultivation. Botanical notes to be supplied. Note 23(d) (2 entries)
1st Brian Burrow, Lancaster
2nd John Richards, Hexham

CLASS 72:  1 pan rock plant, rare in cultivation. Botanical notes to be supplied. Note 23(d) (2 entries)
1st Brian Burrow, Lancaster
1st Don Peace, Yarm

CLASS 73:  1 pan rock plant grown outdoors all year (excl. shrubs and conifers) (3 entries)
2nd Frank Dobson, Scarisbrick
3rd Georgina Instone, Leeds

CLASS 74:  6 varieties of cut alpine flowers (incl. dwarf shrubs) shown in the vases provided. Varieties to be named (1 entry)
1st Brian & Shelagh Smethurst, Bury

CLASS 75:   An arrangement of cut alpine flowers (incl. dwarf shrubs) grown by the exhibitor. Judged for quality, delicacy, and artistic arrangement. No accessories or base. Varieties to be named (0 entries)

Section: Intermediate(1) (26cm)

CLASS 81:  6 pans rock plants. AGS AWARD (0 entries)

CLASS 82:  3 pans rock plants (0 entries)

CLASS 83:  1 pan rock plant in flower (2 entries)
1st Henry Fletcher, Derby
2nd Lew Clark, Marsden

CLASS 84:  1 pan Primulaceae (1 entry)
2nd Frank Dobson, Scarisbrick

CLASS 85:  1 pan Campanulaceae (0 entries)

CLASS 86:  1 pan Orchidaceae (1 entry)
1st Vivien Self, Maiden Law

CLASS 87:  1 pan bulbous plant (0 entries)

CLASS 88:  1 pan rock plant native to the Northern Hemisphere (1 entry)
2nd Lew Clark, Marsden

CLASS 89:  1 pan rock plant native to the Southern Hemisphere (1 entry)
1st Vivien Self, Maiden Law

CLASS 90:  1 pan dwarf shrub (2 entries)
1st David Harris, Chesterfield
2nd Lew Clark, Marsden

CLASS 91:  1 pan dwarf conifer (2 entries)
1st David Harris, Chesterfield
2nd Vivien Self, Maiden Law

CLASS 92:  1 pan rock plant for foliage effect (7 entries)
1st Lew Clark, Marsden
2nd Judi Deakin, Warrington
3rd David Harris, Chesterfield

CLASS 93:  1 pan rock plant with silver/grey foliage (1 entry)
2nd Vivien Self, Maiden Law

CLASS 94:  1 pan hardy fern (5 entries)
1st Judi Deakin, Warrington
2nd David Harris, Chesterfield
3rd Razvan Chisu, Barthomley

CLASS 95:  1 pan Sempervivum (inc. Jovibarba) (4 entries)
1st Vivien Self, Maiden Law
2nd Frank Dobson, Scarisbrick
3rd David Harris, Chesterfield

CLASS 96:  1 pan Crassulaceae (excl. Sempervivum/ Jovibarba) (2 entries)
1st Frank Dobson, Scarisbrick
2nd David Harris, Chesterfield

CLASS 97:  1 pan cushion plant (1 entry)
1st Michael Wilson, Wakefield

CLASS 98:  1 pan rock plant grown from seed by the exhibitor. Note 23(e) (0 entries)

CLASS 99:  1 pan planted as a miniature garden. Pan size not to exceed 36cm. Note 22 (2 entries)
1st Razvan Chisu, Barthomley
2nd Vanessa Brook, Poynton

Section: Intermediate(2) (19cm)

CLASS 101:  3 pans rock plants (3 entries)
1st David Harris, Chesterfield
2nd Anita & Mike Acton, Wolverhampton
3rd Lew Clark, Marsden

CLASS 102:  1 pan rock plant in flower (3 entries)
1st Vivien Self, Maiden Law
2nd Frank Dobson, Scarisbrick
3rd David Harris, Chesterfield

CLASS 103:  1 pan Campanulaceae (1 entry)
1st Frank Dobson, Scarisbrick

CLASS 104:  1 pan Caryophyllaceae (1 entry)
1st David Harris, Chesterfield

CLASS 105:  1 pan Lewisia or Lewisiopsis (1 entry)
2nd David Harris, Chesterfield

CLASS 106:  1 pan Saxifragaceae (3 entries)
1st Vivien Self, Maiden Law
2nd Lew Clark, Marsden
3rd Frank Dobson, Scarisbrick

CLASS 107:  1 pan Orchidaceae (1 entry)
1st Frank Dobson, Scarisbrick

CLASS 108:  1 pan hardy cactus (1 entry)
1st David Harris, Chesterfield

CLASS 109:  2 pans bulbous plants (0 entries)

CLASS 110:  1 pan bulbous plant (1 entry)
1st David Harris, Chesterfield

CLASS 111:  3 pans rock plants from any one continent. Continent to be stated. Note 28 (1 entry)
1st David Harris, Chesterfield

 Section: Novice (19cm)

CLASS 121:  2 pans rock plants (3 entries)
1st Judi Deakin, Warrington
2nd Ilona Duffy, Bramhall
3rd Ellen Davies, Nelson

CLASS 122:  1 pan rock plant (2 entries)
1st Judi Deakin, Warrington
2nd Ellen Davies, Nelson

CLASS 123:  1 pan bulbous plant (1 entry)
2nd Judi Deakin, Warrington

CLASS 124:  1 pan Orchidaceae (0 entries)

CLASS 125:  1 pan dwarf shrub (2 entries)
1st Judi Deakin, Warrington
2nd Ellen Davies, Nelson

CLASS 126:  1 pan rock plant for foliage effect (4 entries)
1st Judi Deakin, Warrington
2nd Ilona Duffy, Bramhall
3rd Ellen Davies, Nelson

CLASS 127:  1 pan Crassulaceae (3 entries)
1st Ilona Duffy, Bramhall
2nd Judi Deakin, Warrington

CLASS 128:  1 pan cushion plant (0 entries)

CLASS 129:  1 pan dwarf conifer (1 entry)
1st Ellen Davies, Nelson

CLASS 130:  1 pan rock plant grown from seed by the exhibitor. Note 23(e) (2 entries)
2nd Judi Deakin, Warrington
3rd Ellen Davies, Nelson

CLASS 131:  1 pan hardy cactus (1 entry)
1st Ellen Davies, Nelson

CLASS 132:  1 pan planted as a miniature garden. Pan size not to exceed 36cm. Note 22 (4 entries)
1st Ilona Duffy, Bramhall
2nd Will Ross-Jones, Appleton
3rd Vanessa Brook, Poynton
3rd Ellen Davies, Nelson

CLASS 133:  1 pan rock plant. For exhibitors who have not previously won a first prize at an AGS National Show (0 entries)