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Seed Donation from the USA and Canada

September 1, 2024



The UK authorities now require all seed being sent to the UK from other countries to have a phytosanitary certificate from the donor country. The cost of certificates, and the ease of obtaining them, varies greatly from country to country, so we have been working on a way to solve this problem and now hope to manage a co-ordinated approach for the USA. We are working together with the Scottish Rock Garden Club and if you are members of both and are donating to both, it will be fine for you to send a joint donation for the SRGC and the AGS and we will split these between us.

We are very pleased that Marc Rosenblum, an AGS member from Oregon, has volunteered to coordinate and collate all the seed donations from US members, obtain a single phytosanitary certificate and forward the seed to the exchange. The procedure for this year is detailed below. We are very pleased to be able to offer this service to our US and Canadian members and hope you will be able to donate seed this year to the AGS seed exchange. We are really grateful to Marc for helping us in this way.


First please email and Marc at with an alphabetical list of the full scientific name of each of your seed donations by 20th September 2023. This will enable Marc to ensure that your seed is on the US Phytosanitary Certificate Included Taxa Database, and will enable us to ensure that your seed donations appear in the seed list.

Please send your clean, dry seed (no wet packs please) to:
Marc Rosenblum, 821 Parry Rd, Falls City, OR 97344 to arrive by the latest 31st October 2023. Please send an alphabetical list of seed with your parcel.

You can contact Marc if needed at or send any queries to   Please use glassine envelopes if you have them, and send modest, not large volumes of seed.

Seed distribution from the AGS to the USA will not be affected by these changes and this will operate in the usual way as it has in the last few years. US members will need to email your ’Small lots of Seed Permit’ and green & yellow mailing labels to Please do not send these to Marc with your seed donation.


First please email and Marc at with an alphabetical list of the full scientific name of each of your seed donations by 20th September 2023. This will enable Marc to ensure that your seed is on the US Phytosanitary Certificate Included Taxa Database, and will enable us to ensure that your seed donations appear in the seed list.

In order to send your seed to the US, you will need a copy of Marc’s US permit, which enables him to import the seed from Canada.  In order to do this, please email Marc at and ask him to email you his permit and a green and yellow sticker for you to print out at home. This permit will enable you to send up to fifty small packets of clean dry seed to Marc.

When you are ready to send your seed, you must tape the green and yellow sticker over an address label for Marc Rosenblum, 821 Parry Rd, Falls City, OR 97344; and include an alphabetical list of the full scientific name of all seeds enclosed, and the permit [all pages] in the envelope with the seeds, so APHIS can forward the seed to him after inspection. Please mail your seeds to Marc, to arrive by the latest 31st October 2023. Please send an alphabetical list of seed with your parcel.

You can contact Marc if needed at or send any queries to   Please use glassine envelopes if you have them, and send modest, not large volumes of seed.

Seed distribution from the AGS to Canada will not be affected by these changes and this will operate in the usual way as it has in the last few years.


For any more information, please contact