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Seed Donations from the US 2024

September 21, 2024

The UK authorities require all seed being sent to the UK from other countries to have a phytosanitary certificate from the donor country.

Marc Rosenblum has kindly volunteered again to coordinate and collate all the seed donations from US members  He will obtain a single phytosanitary certificate and mail the seed to the UK.  He managed this job last year and we are very grateful to Marc for his help with this.

We are pleased to be working with the Scottish Rock Garden Club to get the seeds from you to both our societies with one phytosanitary certificate.  If you are members of both and are donating to both, it is fine for you to send a joint donation for the SRGC and the AGS and we will split these between us.

Seed being sent under a Phytosanitaty certificate is inspected to a much higher standard of cleanliness than seed entering the country through the usual Small Lots Permit.  For the seed to be processed quickly the seed should be clean – please remove all chaff, grit, plant and insect debris, and any loose material that is not part of the actual seed. Unclean seed will delay the process and involve Marc in a lot of extra work.

Late ripening seed

This will be acceptable after the deadline, but only under the following conditions:

  • You have informed Marc that the seed will arrive after the 10th October
  • It is correctly cleaned
  • It arrives before the 20th October (this late date is only for late-ripening seed.  Please send all other seed to arrive before 10th October, or Marc will not be able to meet his deadlines for inspection.
  • Any delay in Marc receiving the seed could hold up the whole procedure as Marc needs to stick to all agreed dates.

Main Dates for 2024

1  Before 1st October 2024 (new deadline),  please email and Marc at with an alphabetical list of the full scientific name of each of your seed donations. This will enable Marc to ensure that your seed is on the US Phytosanitary Certificate Included Taxa Database, and this will enable us to ensure that your seed donations appear in the seed list.

2  Before 10th October 2024, please mail your clean, dry seed to:
Marc Rosenblum, 821 Parry Rd, Falls City, OR 97344 to arrive by the latest 10th October 2024. Please send an alphabetical list of seed with your parcel. Late seed is acceptable, but only if it is perfectly cleaned.

3 Before 20th October 2024, please mail any late-ripening seed.  Please see the paragraph above for full information

If necessary, please contact Marc at or send any queries to   Please use glassine envelopes if you have them, and send modest, not huge volumes of seed.

Seed distribution to the US

The Seed List will be published online by the end of November and we can send orders to the US in the same way as in the last few years. US members will need to obtain and then email a ’Small lots of Seed Permit’ and green & yellow mailing labels to

Please click below for more details regarding Permits to Import Seed to the US members.